A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Celo-based NFT Marketplace

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Celo-based NFT Marketplace https://celo.academy/uploads/default/optimized/2X/4/4c513df2e46d598c7a682f2cd3a290da61d2a8c8_2_1024x576.png
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If you feel you need a review from someone else too, I can only suggest @Celo_Academy and no one else

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@yafiabiyyu I have taken time out to make further changes and I remodified my code and perfected everything, especially the backend code and the server, I also added the deployment code even though it wasnā€™t necessary.

Please take time out to go through them again.

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@yafiabiyyu Please when you have time do take a look please

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OK, Iā€™ll check again

Iā€™ve done a review of the code in the repository, there are a few things I need to ask and also for you to fix.

  1. An unknown source code snippet

    const { create, getNFTs, buyNFT } = require('./nftContract'); I canā€™t find the source of the following code snippet

  2. No display for selling NFT
    I know that your smart-contract has a setPrice() function. Do users have to interact directly with the smart-contract before they can make a sale?

  3. A bug in purchasing tokens
    The buyToken() function cannot make NFT purchases, because you need msg.sender to be the owner, how can other people buy tokens if the requirements in the purchase process are that we must be the owner of the nft we are going to buy.

  4. Unstructured program files

    I see that you have 3 JavaScript files in the ā€œserverā€ folder. Of the three files, some are complete with the import of several modules, but some are not. How could this happen?

any update @IbehMiracle ?


  1. In response to Comment 1 I have refactored the code and made the functions for create, getNFTs, buyNFT in the nftPurchases&Sales.sol file available. But this time around with mint, getNFTs, buyToken

  2. Yes, in this particular Solidity smart contract, if a user wants to sell an NFT, they would need to interact directly with the smart contract to set a sale price for their token. This is done by calling the setPrice() function, providing the ID of the token they want to sell and the price they want to set.

  3. This is already answered in Question 1.

  4. I had to put all the codes in the article into the repo as you requested, thatā€™s why we have some codes that are redundant, but it doesnā€™t mean the dApp wonā€™t run effectively.


@yafiabiyyu @IbehMiracle Is this tutorial finized?


i am waiting for his feedback after the final review I did @bobelr


Ok. I suggest you tag him again.


@yafiabiyyu ,please check this


He didnā€™t provide the complete code, how can I test the code that was made


Iā€™m just waiting for him to provide the complete code for testing before the final review, you can see for yourself in the repository provided


@IbehMiracle I have something to ask, to buy nft, are payments made using CUSD or the native Celo token?


Ok thatā€™s fine. Soon as he does.


@yafiabiyyu It is typical for payments and transactions to be done using either the native Celo token(CELO) or cUSD, a stable coin on the Celo network. However, for the scope of this tutorial it is not stated explicitly for the sake of versatility such that the NFT marketplace can be replicated elsewhere


@Celo_Academy Please help me


@yafiabiyyu thanks for your diligent effort here. Given all the back and forth it appears this tutorial is good enough and Iā€™ll move to tutorials section to wrap this up. @IbehMiracle for future tutorials ensure the code you provide in the repo is the same as the code from the tutorial to provide a clear and simple experience for the reviewers and developers. Thanks!


Thank you @joenyzio I actually did learn a lot working on this tutorial


Congratulations on publishing your first tutorial. The first is always challenging because of the standards in the academy.
Things het easier along the line.