A Step Towards a Stable Regenerative Future

In this tutorial, we will explore how Collectivo is working towards building a stable and regenerative future through the creation of a community currency backed by ecological systems. We will discuss the problem they aim to solve, the system overview, and the steps they are taking to achieve their goals. Let’s dive in!


  • Meet Ruben Russell, a member of Collectivo, who will guide us through their vision.
  • Ruben’s background includes being a participant in the metaverse, a seed planter, a UI/UX designer, a researcher, and an aspiring sociologist.
  • Collectivo is a part of the Collective Labs and has been involved in various projects like Prime DAO and Token Engineering Commons.

The Problem

  • Local ecosystems and communities often lack institutional support in the face of global crises like climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • Collectivo aims to provide a solution by building a stable currency backed by ecological state data.
  • Their goal is to empower nature to express its emotions and create a translation language for humans to understand these emotions.

System Overview

  • Collectivo’s system revolves around ecological systems such as rivers, lakes, seas, coral reefs, and forests.
  • They plan to tokenize these ecological systems using geospatial non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and fractalize them into ERC20 tokens.
  • These tokens are then added to an index pool to create LP (liquidity provider) tokens, which are deposited into a treasury and reserve.
  • The community mints a stable currency backed by these ecological state assets, forming a regenerative loop.
  • Equitable governance tools are incorporated at every step, and a wallet is developed to facilitate payments and transactions.

Practical Implementation

  • Collectivo is building practical open-source technologies using the Celo blockchain to enhance trust and transparency.
  • They are launching a pilot or minimum viable product (MVP) on the island of Curacao, their home island, with the help of local regeneration stewards.
  • Renowned actors such as Tucan, Prime DAO, Celo Climate Collective, Curve Labs, and BitRocket are supporting their mission.
  • The MVP pilot in Curacao is set to launch in the fourth quarter of this year, with 450 early participants and years of experience in the region.

Colectivo Festival

  • Colectivo Festival is a significant event happening on October 21st and 22nd in Curacao.
  • The festival aims to bring together people interested in regenerative energies and create a positive impact.
  • It features good music, good people, good vibes, and serves as an opportunity to experience the warm welcome of Curacao.

Congratulations! You have now gained insights into Collectivo’s efforts to build a stable and regenerative future. By creating a community currency backed by ecological systems, Collectivo aims to empower local ecosystems and communities in the face of global challenges. Make sure to follow their journey and join the Colectivo Festival for an immersive experience of regenerative energies.


In conclusion, Collectivo is taking a significant step towards creating a stable and regenerative future by building a community currency backed by ecological systems. They recognize the lack of institutional support for local ecosystems and communities in the face of global crises like climate change and biodiversity loss. By tokenizing ecological systems and creating a regenerative loop, Collectivo aims to empower nature and provide a translation language for humans to understand its emotions.

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