All Core Dev Call 9

Welcome to the ninth All Core Dev Call for Cello blockchain. In this call, we will cover several important topics and proposals. Let’s dive into the agenda:

Guest Vulnerability

The call begins with a discussion on a recent guest vulnerability in the Go Ethereum team’s release. As Cello is a fork of Ethereum, the team was concerned about the impact on their blockchain. They examined the patch and evaluated the potential effects on Cello. Unlike Ethereum, which could experience a chain split, Cello’s single implementation ensures that the chain would continue, although with incorrect results. Fixing this vulnerability requires careful attention.

CIP39: Mnemonic Phrases with Error Correcting Code

Victor introduces CIP39, which proposes extending BIP39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39) to include error correction. This enhancement allows for the recovery of the same key even if a certain number of words are missing or malformed in the mnemonic phrase. The proposal discusses different parameter choices and interoperability with existing BIP39 specifications.

CIP40: Extension of OTIs

Another proposal by Victor, CIP40 suggests an extension of OTIs (Open Transaction Inputs) to support public and private inputs for password hashing. This extension enables rate limits and customizable behaviors for password-based applications. The proposal outlines various use cases, such as password hashing, time-based access, authenticated requests, and smart contract-controlled rate limits.

Cloud Backup

The team discusses the implementation of a cloud backup feature, enabling users to recover their accounts. The proposal involves storing the domain value, salt, and rate-limiting parameters as metadata to the ciphertext. Users can restore their accounts by decrypting the account key and re-instantiating the account with the backup ciphertext.

Integration Challenges and Hardware Wallets

The team addresses integration challenges, particularly with hardware wallets. Ledger is currently the only hardware wallet that supports Cello, but it does not support 15-word mnemonics. The suggestion is to integrate with 18-word mnemonics instead. The team acknowledges the need for further feedback and invites other developers to contribute to the implementation.

Gas Price Minimum and Transaction Fees

The discussion moves to gas price calculations and transaction fees. The team aims to align with Ethereum’s upstream changes by adopting type 2 transactions and using the same gas price minimum calculation. These changes will bring Cello closer to Ethereum’s specifications and ensure consistent behavior across both networks.

Timeline and Moving Forward

The team briefly mentions the timeline for incorporating these changes. While no final date is set, they expect to complete the integration by the end of the year or early next year. They propose moving the changes to the last call for review before finalizing the updates.

And that concludes the summary of the All Core Dev Call 9. The team is excited about the upcoming improvements and invites everyone to provide feedback and participate in the development process. Thank you for joining