Building a Decentralized Marketplace on Celo with Flutter and Celo Composer: A Comprehensive Tutorial (PART 2)

Building on our achievements from Part 1, Part 2 of this tutorial dives into developing an intuitive UI for our decentralized marketplace using Flutter. In Part 1, we crafted, tested, and deployed smart contracts to the Celo network, establishing the backbone of our marketplace.

Now, we’ll start Part 2 with an outline of our application’s architecture and follow it up by creating specific UI components such as product listings, user authentication systems, and a purchasing process.

After our UI is ready, we’ll bridge the gap between frontend and backend, connecting the Flutter application to our Celo-deployed smart contracts. This crucial step will bring the marketplace to life, allowing users to execute real transactions and interactions on the platform.

By the end of Part 2, you will have a fully integrated, decentralized marketplace that is both user-friendly and powered by secure backend operations on the Celo blockchain, ready for real-world deployment.