Building an NFT Subgraph | Kuneco April 2021


In this post, we will learn how to build an NFT subgraph using The Graph. The subgraph will be built on top of the Ethereum blockchain and will use Zora’s smart contract. The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain and IPFS data using GraphQL. By building a subgraph, we can efficiently query and index data from the blockchain, enabling us to create powerful decentralized applications.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A computer with a terminal
  • Node.js installed
  • Basic knowledge of web development concepts

Setting up the Project

  1. Clone the workshop repository from GitHub:…/building-a-subgraph
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using the command npm install
  3. Open the project in your favorite code editor.

Defining the Subgraph

  1. Open the Graph Console and create an account.
  2. Click on “Create Graph” and name it “zora-nft-subgraph”.
  3. Take note of your account ID and the subgraph name (e.g., debit3/zora-nft-subgraph).

Creating the Subgraph Schema

  1. Define the entities you want to work with (e.g., user and token).
  2. Create a GraphQL schema file and define the data model for your entities.
  3. Add the @entity directive to each type to map them to graph entities.
  4. Save the GraphQL schema file.

Defining the Mapping

  1. Create mapping files to map the events from the smart contracts to the subgraph entities.
  2. Update the subgraph.yaml file to specify the entities and event indexing.
  3. Set the start block for indexing.
  4. Save the mapping files.

Building and Deploying the Subgraph

  1. Run the command graph build to build the subgraph.
  2. If you want to deploy the subgraph, run the command graph deploy --node <endpoint> --ipfs <endpoint>.
  3. Test the subgraph by running GraphQL queries against the deployed subgraph.

Querying the Subgraph

  1. Use the GraphQL queries provided in the workshop documentation to read data from the subgraph.
  2. Customize the queries based on your requirements.
  3. Test the queries by running them against the deployed subgraph.


Congratulations! You have successfully built an NFT subgraph using The Graph. By following the steps in this tutorial, you learned how to define the subgraph schema, create the mapping, and deploy the subgraph. You also explored querying the subgraph to retrieve data. The Graph provides a powerful way to index and query blockchain data, enabling the development of decentralized applications. Continue exploring The Graph’s documentation and experiment with different use cases to further enhance your skills.