Celo Academy Site Architecture Strategy Overview


Our goal is to make Celo Academy the leading destination for blockchain developers, contributors, and potential partners worldwide. To facilitate this, our site aims to provide a rich, interactive and comprehensive learning and engagement platform. By creating an intuitive and seamless user experience, we aim to foster an active, vibrant community that contributes to the wider adoption and development of the Celo platform.

Target Audience

Our site is designed with three primary user groups in mind:

  • Developers: Aspiring and experienced developers interested in building decentralized applications on Celo.
  • Contributors: Community members looking to actively contribute, whether through moderation, ambassadorship, or creating educational content.
  • Partners: Organizations interested in leveraging Celo’s platform or the talents within our community for their projects.

Site Architecture Outline

Our site architecture is meticulously designed to serve each user group’s unique needs:

  • Learn: An expansive resource hub containing courses, tutorials, and guides designed for developers of all skill levels.
  • Developers: A tailored section with resources like a directory of developers, coding challenges, FAQs, and the latest developer updates.
  • Contributors: A dedicated space for community contributors providing resources, recognizing efforts, and facilitating their contributions.
  • Partnerships: A professional space highlighting collaboration opportunities, benefits, success stories, and showcasing our community’s talent.
  • Community: An interactive arena for events, discussions, adhering to community guidelines, and fostering engagement.
  • Proposals: Earn rewards and grow your reputation as you contribute to the thriving Celo ecosystem.
  • Support: A readily available assistance section providing FAQs, ticket submissions, and mechanisms to provide feedback.
  • Careers: A vital section listing job opportunities, internships, and offering career guidance for aspiring blockchain professionals.
  • Blog: A dynamic platform sharing latest posts, categorized under tech tutorials, Celo news, success stories, and partner features.
  • Code Contributions: Find use cases, learn from real-world examples, and access resources to kickstart your Celo journey.


The site structure is specifically designed to align with our strategic vision. The ‘Learn’ category serves as the heart of our platform, promoting our commitment to education and upskilling developers. The ‘Developers’ and ‘Contribution Corner’ reflect our focus on community building and recognition of efforts.

The ‘Partnerships’ category has been conceptualized to prioritize and facilitate partnerships - a critical part of our growth strategy. ‘Career’ cater to career growth, aligning with our mission to foster talent in the blockchain industry. The ‘Community’ is designed to create an engaged and active community around Celo.

With ‘Support’ and ‘Blog’, we are ensuring a positive user experience and maintaining transparent communication with our users. This site architecture ultimately serves our mission of becoming the leading resource hub for blockchain developers and fostering a vibrant Celo community worldwide.