Celo Connect Founder Spotlight: Meet Moses Adeniji of Paychant


In this YouTube video titled “(1685) Celo Connect Founder Spotlight: Meet Moses Adeniji of Paychant,” Moses Adeniji introduces himself as the co-founder of Paychant, a cryptocurrency payment gateway. He explains that Paychant is built on the Celo blockchain and focuses on enabling merchants in Africa to accept digital currencies like CUSD for online payments.

Paychant’s Services

Adeniji mentions that Paychant offers a simple API that can be integrated into e-commerce websites. This integration allows businesses to accept digital currency as a method of payment. The availability of this feature helps merchants expand their customer base by catering to users who prefer digital currencies for transactions.

How Paychant Joined Celo

Adeniji discusses how Paychant became involved with the Celo ecosystem. He explains that in 2020, one of their advisors introduced them to Celo. Since then, Paychant has found Celo to be incredibly helpful, providing guidance and support from experienced web3 developers. This assistance has allowed them to scale their products effectively.

Addressing Challenges in Africa

Adeniji highlights the high adoption of digital currency in Africa, mainly for remittances. However, he points out that using digital currency as a day-to-day currency is still a challenge in the region. This is the problem Paychant aims to solve in Africa. By enabling businesses and merchants to accept digital currencies for online payments, Paychant’s payment infrastructure empowers users with D5 wallets to easily spend their CUSD at any online store in Africa.

Impact of Paychant

Through Paychant’s efforts, Adeniji believes they are contributing to the growing adoption and usage of digital currencies in Africa. By providing a seamless payment experience and bridging the gap between businesses and users with D5 wallets, Paychant facilitates the use of digital currencies as a practical day-to-day currency in the continent.


In conclusion, Moses Adeniji, the co-founder of Paychant, discusses their mission to enable merchants in Africa to accept digital currencies for online payments. With the support and guidance provided by Celo, Paychant has been able to scale their products effectively. Their efforts contribute to addressing the challenge of using digital currency as a day-to-day currency in Africa, ultimately promoting the adoption and usability of digital currencies in the region.