Celo Governance Call #7

Welcome to the Celo Governance Call #7. In this tutorial, we will go through the key points discussed in the call and provide a summary of each topic. Let’s get started!

Proposal Cpp28: Uptime Look Back Window


  • Proposal: Cpp28
  • Topic: Uptime Look Back Window
  • Purpose: Set the default value for the validators’ uptime look back window in the Celo governance system.
  • Current default value: 12
  • Objective: Avoid potential minor issues and errors in the code by setting a baseline default value.


  • The proposal aims to have the default value set before the Donut hard fork activates on May 19th.
  • The community is encouraged to provide feedback and ask questions about the proposal.
  • The ideal timeline for submitting the proposal on the mainnet is early May.

Proposal: Increase Power Data Set Size


  • Proposal: Unknown
  • Topic: Increase Power Data Set Size
  • Purpose: Increase the size of the power data set to accommodate more validators.
  • Discussion: This proposal does not directly involve the involvement of telecom companies.


  • The proposal aims to address the issue of increased validator diversity and potential downtime for newly added validators.
  • It is suggested to connect new validators with entities that can assist in converting large amounts of currency.
  • The governance proposal’s execution and impact on spending are points of concern.
  • The possibility of a governance-gated minting process for stable coins and its impact on the market is discussed.

Establishing a Conversion Mechanism for Stable Coins


  • Proposal: Unknown
  • Topic: Conversion Mechanism for Stable Coins
  • Purpose: Create a process for converting large amounts of collateralized stable coins.
  • Concern: Slippage and volatility in the conversion process.


  • The proposal aims to enable large-scale conversion of stable coins without significant slippage.
  • The discussion involves exploring options to connect entities needing conversion services with suitable providers.
  • The need for slippage and liquidity considerations is highlighted.
  • The proposal is not intended to compete with the market but to provide a solution for institutions with large-scale conversion needs.

Technical Problems and Network Load


  • Topic: Technical Problems and Network Load
  • Discussion: Recent network load increase and its implications.


  • The network load on Celo may increase due to changes made by Coinbase.
  • Validators worked together to address the increased load and agreed on appropriate measures.
  • A community agreement is proposed to handle future network load increases.
  • A hotfix governance working group call will be created to continue the discussion and reach conclusions.


In this video, we covered the key points discussed in the Celo Governance Call #7. We explored proposals related to the uptime look back window, increasing the power data set size, establishing a conversion mechanism for stable coins, and addressing technical problems and network load. Stay tuned for further discussions and developments in the Celo governance community.