Code editor plugin?

Just thought about this…i dont know if it is supported by the Discourse server tho but i think it would be great to have a code editor plugin embedded on the academy so that snippets can be tested more easily without having to leave the side or work on different windows.

The editor should have built in support fot js, ts, solidity, python at least.

I think it would be great for reviewers and students too.

Please do think about this?


Sounds really nice

but you could’ve left it as a comment on the Discourse discussion rather than creating a contribution/ Discussion forum to suggest an idea for an already-opened discussion Features of Discourse in Celo Academy

If you don’t mind you can take it to the discussion on discourse your referring to
That way anyone reading can reference the initial discussion on the Idea, and it keeps the streak of comments going on the initial discussion.


Nice idea

1 Like

Nice idea…we need this


Discourse doesn’t have a good feature for this but I just opened a proposal that could help us get there if anyone is interested. Integrating Replits with Celo Academy for Interactive Web3 Code