How to Build on Celo | Kuneco April 2021


In this tutorial, we will learn how to build on Celo, a web3 protocol, using DataHub by Figment. Whether you are a beginner or new to the web3 ecosystem, this tutorial will guide you through the process of connecting to a Celo node and building your first decentralized application (dApp). We will explore the evolution of the internet from web1 to web2 and the emergence of blockchain technology as the driving force behind web3. We will also understand the concept of state and how blockchain resolves the issue of maintaining state in web applications.

What is DataHub?

DataHub is a back-end revolution and your gateway to web3. It provides developers with access to web3 protocols through an enterprise-grade infrastructure. By using DataHub, developers can focus on building their applications while relying on reliable access to RPC and REST APIs of supported protocols. DataHub allows seamless integration of different web3 protocols and enables groundbreaking innovation in decentralized applications.

The Evolution of the Internet: From Web1 to Web3

We will explore the evolution of the internet, starting from the standalone computer model in web1 to the programmable internet of web2. Web2 introduced protocols like HTTP and SMTP, enabling a more interactive and programmable internet. However, web2 lacked the ability to maintain state, leading to workarounds using cookies and server APIs. This limitation gave rise to web3 and blockchain technology.

The Role of Blockchain in Web3

Blockchain protocols introduced a way for each person in a network to keep and transact with digitally native assets without the need for centralized intermediaries. The consensus protocol ensures that the entire network can remember preceding events and user transactions. Blockchain provides a unique state layer, collectively managed, which enables value settlement and true peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. It revolutionizes how data is stored and managed, introducing a governance layer and redefining the data structures of the web.

Building on Celo with DataHub

DataHub provides developers with all the necessary tools and documentation to start building on Celo. With DataHub’s full node infrastructure and middleware suite, developers can easily access Celo’s protocols. Figment, the provider of DataHub, aims to foster a community of developers and offers comprehensive tutorials and practical resources to help developers get started. DataHub also partners with foundations to reward developers and provide a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Setting up the Development Environment

To start building on Celo, you need to set up your development environment. This tutorial provides instructions for Windows users, including setting up Docker for Windows and a code editor. You will also need Node.js installed. Once your environment is set up, you can create a project directory, install dependencies, and connect to the Celo network using Node.js.

Creating Your First Account and Getting Funds

To interact with the Celo network, you need an account. This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a Celo account and obtaining your address and private key. These details are stored securely in an environment file. With your account set up, you can proceed to test your connection and request funds to use in your dApp.


Building on Celo and the web3 ecosystem is an exciting journey. With the right tools and resources, developers can unleash their creativity and contribute to the decentralized future. DataHub by Figment provides the infrastructure, documentation, and community support to make this journey smoother and more accessible. By leveraging blockchain technology and the principles of web3, developers can build innovative applications and contribute to the prosperity of a decentralized internet.