How to Integrate Celo Wallet into your Existing Applications and Websites

How to Integrate Celo Wallet into your Existing Applications and Websites
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Integrating a celo wallet into your applications or websites can enable users to interact with the Celo blockchain, perform transactions , and manage their celo assets. in this tutorial i will walk you through the process of integrating a celo wallet into your existing applications or websites, allowing your users to seamlessly engage with the Celo network.


  1. Basic Programming Knowledge: Having a basic understanding of programming concepts and familiarity with a programming language such as JavaScript will be beneficial. It will help you comprehend and modify the code examples provided by the Celo wallet documentation.

  2. Web Development Skills: If you are integrating the Celo wallet into a website, knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be necessary. Understanding how to work with web technologies will enable you to integrate the wallet functionality seamlessly.

  3. API and SDK Understanding: Familiarity with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and SDKs (Software Development Kits) will be advantageous. Understanding how to interact with external services and libraries through APIs and SDKs will allow you to utilize the Celo wallet functionalities effectively.

  4. Blockchain Basics: Having a fundamental understanding of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and the Celo blockchain specifically will be helpful. This knowledge will enable you to comprehend the underlying concepts behind the Celo wallet integration and facilitate troubleshooting if any issues arise.


  1. Programming Language: Familiarity with programming languages is essential. JavaScript is commonly used for web-based integrations, but other languages such as Python or Solidity (for smart contract development) may be required depending on your specific use case.
  2. Celo Wallet Solution: Choose a Celo wallet solution that suits your requirements. The recommended option for beginners is the Valora wallet, which provides extensive documentation, SDKs, and developer support.
  3. Access to Celo Network: Create a developer account on the Celo platform to obtain the necessary credentials and access the Celo network. This may involve signing up on the Celo website or using other development tools provided by the Celo ecosystem.
  • Step 1: Choose a Celo Wallet Solution
    Start by selecting a Celo wallet solution that fits your requirements and user needs. For beginners, we recommend using the Valora wallet as it offers a user-friendly interface and extensive developer documentation.

  • Step 2: Set Up Developer Account
    Create a developer account on the Celo platform to gain access to the necessary tools and credentials for integrating the Celo wallet. Follow the provided instructions to sign up and set up your account.

  • Step 3: Review the Documentation
    Thoroughly explore the documentation provided by the chosen Celo wallet solution. Pay attention to the integration guides and beginner tutorials. Familiarize yourself with the available APIs, SDKs, and sample code provided in the documentation.

  • Step 4: Add Wallet Initialization Code
    In your application or website code, include the necessary libraries or scripts provided by the chosen wallet solution. This code initializes the Celo wallet and establishes a connection with the Celo blockchain. Here’s an example of JavaScript code using the Valora wallet SDK:

 import { Valora } from '@celo/contractkit'

 // Initialize Valora wallet
 const valora = new Valora('')

 // Connect to the Celo network
 valora.init().then(() => {
   console.log('Valora wallet connected to Celo network')
 }).catch((error) => {
   console.error('Failed to initialize Valora wallet:', error)
  • Step 5: Enable Transaction Handling
    To enable transactions within your application, you’ll need to implement code that interacts with the Celo wallet and handles transaction-related logic. Start by adding a transaction initiation button or form in your user interface. When triggered, use the Celo wallet APIs to collect transaction details and initiate the transaction on the Celo blockchain. Here’s an example using JavaScript:
 // Handle transaction initiation
 const initiateTransaction = async () => {
   try {
     const transaction = await valora.sendTransaction({
       to: '0xrecipientAddress',
       value: '1' // Amount in cUSD (Celo Dollars)

     console.log('Transaction initiated:', transaction)
   } catch (error) {
     console.error('Failed to initiate transaction:', error)
  • Step 6: Listen for Transaction Confirmation
    Implement code that listens for transaction confirmation events from the Celo blockchain. Once a transaction is submitted, use the provided APIs or SDKs to monitor the transaction status. Update your application’s user interface to reflect the transaction’s progress and final confirmation. Here’s an example using JavaScript:
 // Listen for transaction confirmation
 const listenForConfirmation = (transactionHash) => {
   valora.txListener.addTransactionListener(transactionHash, (receipt) => {
     if (receipt.status) {
       console.log('Transaction confirmed:', receipt)
       // Update UI with transaction confirmation
     } else {
       console.log('Transaction failed:', receipt)
       // Update UI with transaction failure
  • Step 7: Test and Debug
    Thoroughly test your integration by simulating various scenarios, such as successful and failed transactions. Monitor for errors and unexpected behavior. Use debugging tools or logging statements to identify and resolve any


Integrating a Celo wallet empowers your users to transact, manage assets, and engage with the Celo blockchain seamlessly within your applications or websites. As you enable Celo’s secure, low-cost, and inclusive financial services, you contribute to the growth and adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) on the Celo network. Embrace the exciting possibilities that Celo wallet integration brings and embark on your journey to create innovative applications that leverage the power of blockchain technology.



Congratulations on being among the top voted proposals this week! This is now approved by @Celo_Academy for you to get started whenever you’d like. :mortar_board: :seedling:

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I will be reviewing this.


Okay thank you @Kunaldawar


Can you add repo link for example how its working?


Thanks for the prompt reply @Kunaldawar i have added the repo link as the third reference, thank you.


Hi @Kunaldawar can i move to publish now ?


Great tutorial! I found the step-by-step guide on integrating Celo wallet into existing applications and websites to be extremely helpful. The instructions were clear, concise, and easy to follow, making the integration process seamless. The tutorial not only provided a thorough understanding of the technical aspects but also highlighted the benefits that Celo wallet integration brings to users and developers. Thank you for sharing this valuable resource!


I’m glad you found the tutorial helpful !!!


It’s me again @Encrypted , Nice work! One confusion is that I checked the code on GitHub and found out that “Enabling transaction handling” and “Listen for confirmation” are html files with javascript embeded but the file are not carrying the “.html” extension. Is there any reason for that or it is an omission


Yes the code above are html files with javascript embedded, will do a thorough check on the repo and ensure everything is perfect, thanks for pointing it out. hit me up in the dm for any more suggestions so we dont get here clustered for readers. thank you