Interact with Celo Blockchain Using Web3-Php

Interact with Celo Blockchain Using Web3-Php
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Throughout this lesson, we will explore the utilization of the web3.php framework for seamless communication with the Celo blockchain. By the tutorial’s conclusion, you will possess the capability to connect to the Celo network, access blockchain data, and effortlessly send transactions using web3.php.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP programming
  • Familiarity with blockchain concepts

Getting Started

Assuming familiarity with Composer, I will omit the setup instructions for installing and configuring Composer on your development computer. Additionally, I assume you have already set up VS Code on your PC. For macOS users, PHP and Composer can be easily installed via Homebrew.

If you are new to PHP development and have never used Composer before, you can learn more about it at

To begin, you can clone the celo-web3-php repository.

Composer is a powerful tool for managing dependencies in PHP projects. It enables you to specify the libraries your project relies on and automatically handles their installation and updates for you.

How it works

web3-php is a PHP interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.

Configure composer.json

Create a new folder, named “celo-web3-php,” to manage the project. Initiate Composer within the project folder to set up Composer and the necessary files.

composer init

After initializing Composer, your composer.json file should resemble the following:

    "name": "shuqroh/celo-web3-php",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Shuqroh\\CeloWeb3Php\\": "src/"
    "authors": [
            "name": "Shuqroh",
            "email": ""
    "require": {}

Update the composer file by changing/add the minimum stability to dev

"minimum-stability": "dev"

Install web3-php through the terminal

composer require web3p/web3.php dev-master

or add it manually by adding "web3p/web3.php": "dev-master" to require in composer.json

    "name": "shuqroh/celo-web3-php",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Shuqroh\\CeloWeb3Php\\": "src/"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Shuqroh",
            "email": ""
    "require": {
        "web3p/web3.php": "dev-master"

Then run composer install in your terminal, to confirm if the installation is complete open the vendor folder and look for web3p/web3.phpIf found then the installation is complete.

Code implementation

Open src folder and create file named CeloWeb3Php.php. Import web3 with the keyword use Web3\Web3;

In order to manage resources like smart contract abi JSON, create a folder at the root of our project named resources and you can create as many JSON files for contract ABI.

Also let’s add package like web3p/ethereum-tx multiplechain/utils multiplechain/evm-based-chains, copy the command below and excute it in your terminal

composer require web3p/ethereum-tx  multiplechain/utils multiplechain/evm-based-chains

Let’s make use of abstraction and the likes to manage each of our Dapp functionality using OOP.

Create a file named Transaction.php, this file will contain everything we need to transfer tokens from one address to another.


namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Exception;
use Web3\Validators\AddressValidator;
use Web3\Validators\BlockHashValidator;
use Web3\Validators\TransactionValidator;

final class Transaction
     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

     * Transaction hash
     * @var string
    private $hash;

     * Transaction data
     * @var object
    private $data;

     * @param string $txHash
     * @param Provider|null $provider
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct(string $txHash, Provider $provider)
        if (BlockHashValidator::validate($txHash) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid transaction id!', 24000);

        $this->hash = $txHash;
        $this->provider = $provider;

        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());

     * @return string
    public function getHash(): string
        return $this->hash;

     * @return object|null
    public function getData(): ?object
        $this->provider->methods->getTransactionByHash($this->hash, function ($err, $tx) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                if (TransactionValidator::validate((array)$tx) === false) {
                    throw new \Exception('Invalid transaction data!', 25000);
                } else {
                    $this->data = $tx;

        $this->provider->methods->getTransactionReceipt($this->hash, function ($err, $tx) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $this->data->status = isset($tx->status) ? $tx->status : null;
                $this->data->gasUsed = isset($tx->gasUsed) ? $tx->gasUsed : null;

        return $this->data;

     * @return object|null
    public function decodeInput(): ?object
        $input = $this->data->input;
        $pattern = '/.+?(?=000000000000000000000000)/';
        preg_match($pattern, $input, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);
        $method = $matches[0][0];

        if ($input != '0x') {
            $input = str_replace($method, '', $input);
            $receiver = '0x' . substr(substr($input, 0, 64), 24);
            $amount = '0x' . ltrim(substr($input, 64), 0);
            return (object) compact('receiver', 'amount');
        } else {
            return null;

     * @return int
    public function getConfirmations(): int
        try {
            $currentBlock = $this->provider->getBlockNumber();
            if ($this->data->blockNumber === null) return 0;

            if (is_string($this->data->blockNumber)) {
                $this->data->blockNumber = Utils::toDec($this->data->blockNumber, 0);

            $confirmations = $currentBlock - $this->data->blockNumber;
            return $confirmations < 0 ? 0 : $confirmations;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new \Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());

     * @return ?bool
    public function getStatus(): ?bool
        $result = null;

        if ($this->data == null) {
            $result = false;
        } else {
            if ($this->data->blockNumber !== null) {
                if ($this->data->status == '0x0') {
                    $result = false;
                } else {
                    $result = true;

        return $result;

     * @return bool
    public function validate(): bool
        $result =  $this->getStatus();

        if (is_bool($result)) {
            return $result;
        } else {
            return $this->validate();

     * @param string address 
     * @return bool
    public function verifyTokenTransfer(string $address): bool
        if (AddressValidator::validate($address = strtolower($address)) === false) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid token address!');

        if ($this->validate()) {
            if ($this->data->input == '0x') {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @return bool
    public function verifyCoinTransfer(): bool
        if ($this->validate()) {
            if ($this->data->value == '0x0') {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param string receiver 
     * @param int amount 
     * @param string address 
     * @return bool
    public function verifyTokenTransferWithData(string $receiver, float $amount, string $address): bool
        if (AddressValidator::validate($receiver = strtolower($receiver)) === false) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid receiver address!');

        if ($this->verifyTokenTransfer($address)) {
            $decodedInput = $this->decodeInput();
            $token = new Token($address, [], $this->provider);

            $data = (object) [
                "receiver" => strtolower($decodedInput->receiver),
                "amount" => Utils::toDec($decodedInput->amount, ($token->getDecimals()))

            if ($data->receiver == $receiver && $data->amount == $amount) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param string receiver 
     * @param int amount 
     * @return bool
    public function verifyCoinTransferWithData(string $receiver, float $amount): bool
        if (AddressValidator::validate($receiver = strtolower($receiver)) === false) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid receiver address!');

        if ($this->verifyCoinTransfer()) {

            $coin = new Coin($this->provider);

            $data = (object) [
                "receiver" => strtolower($this->data->to),
                "amount" => Utils::toDec($this->data->value, ($coin->getDecimals()))

            if ($data->receiver == $receiver && $data->amount == $amount) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param string|null tokenAddress
     * @return bool
    public function verifyTransfer(?string $tokenAddress = null): bool
        if (!$tokenAddress) {
            return $this->verifyCoinTransfer();
        } else {
            return $this->verifyTokenTransfer($tokenAddress);

     * @param object $config
     * @return bool
    public function verifyTransferWithData(object $config): bool
        if (isset($config->tokenAddress) && !is_null($config->tokenAddress)) {
            return $this->verifyTokenTransferWithData($config->receiver, $config->amount, $config->tokenAddress);
        } else {
            return $this->verifyCoinTransferWithData($config->receiver, $config->amount);

     * @return string
    public function getUrl(): string
        return rtrim($this->provider->getNetwork()->explorerUrl, '/') . '/tx/' . $this->hash;
  • Manage utils Utils.php

namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3\Validators\AddressValidator;
use MultipleChain\Utils as AbstractUtils;

final class Utils extends AbstractUtils
     * Validate parameters
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @param string|null $tokenAddress
     * @return void
     * @throws Exception
    public static function validate(string $from, string $to, float $amount, ?string $tokenAddress = null): void
        if ($amount <= 0) {
            throw new \Exception("The amount cannot be zero or less than zero!", 20000);

        if (AddressValidator::validate($from) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid sender address!', 21000);

        if (AddressValidator::validate($to) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid receiver address!', 22000);

        if (!is_null($tokenAddress) && AddressValidator::validate($tokenAddress) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid token address!', 23000);

Note: The code provided above is a part of the Utils.php file in the Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php namespace. It defines a class called Utils , which extends another class called AbstractUtils from the MultipleChain namespace. Let’s break down the code and understand its functionality:

  • The namespace statement declares the namespace in which the Utils class resides, Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php. Namespaces are used to organize code and prevent naming conflicts.
  • The use statements import the necessary classes for use within the Utils class. In this case, it imports the AddressValidator class from the Web3\Validators namespace and the AbstractUtils class from the MultipleChain namespace.
  • The final keyword before the class declaration means that the class cannot be subclassed or extended further.
  • The Utils class extends the AbstractUtils class. By extending AbstractUtils, the Utils class inherits all the properties and methods defined in AbstractUtils.
  • The validate method is a static method defined in the Utils class. It takes four parameters: $from, $to, $amount, and $tokenAddress. The types of these parameters are specified in the method signature.
  • The method is responsible for validating the parameters passed to it. If any of the validations fail, an exception is thrown.
  • The first validation checks if the $amount is greater than zero. If it is zero or less, an \Exception is thrown with a custom message and error code.
  • The next two validations use the AddressValidator::validate() method from the Web3\Validators namespace to check the validity of the $from and $to addresses. If any of these addresses are invalid, an \Exception is thrown with specific error codes.
  • The final validation checks if the $tokenAddress is not null and if it is provided, it also validates the address. If the address is invalid, an \Exception is thrown with a specific error code.

That’s the explanation of the code provided. The Utils class extends AbstractUtils and provides a static validate method for validating various parameters.

  • Manage Token Token.php

namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3p\EthereumTx\Transaction;
use Web3\Validators\AddressValidator;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;

final class Token
     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

     * Current token contract address
     * @var string
    private $address;

     * Current token contract
     * @var Web3Contract
    public $contract;

     * @param string $contractAddress
     * @param array $abi
     * @param Provider|null $provider
    public function __construct(string $contractAddress, array $abi = [], Provider $provider)
        if (AddressValidator::validate($contractAddress) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid token address!', 23000);

        $this->provider = $provider;
        $this->address = $contractAddress;
        $abi = empty($abi) ? file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/resources/erc20.json') : $abi;
        $this->contract = (new Contract($contractAddress, json_decode($abi), $provider));

     * Generates a token transfer data
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function transferData(string $from, string $to, float $amount): array
        if ($this->getBalance($from) < $amount) {
            throw new \Exception('Insufficient balance!', 10000);

        $hexAmount = Utils::toHex($amount, $this->getDecimals());

        $data = $this->contract->getData('transfer', $to, $hexAmount);
        $gas = $this->contract->getEstimateGas('transfer', $to, $hexAmount, ['from' => $from]);

        return [
            'from' => $from,
            'value' => '0x0',
            'to' => $this->address,
            'chainId' => $this->provider->getChainId(),
            'nonce' => $this->provider->getNonce($from),
            'gasPrice' => $this->provider->getGasPrice(),
            'gas' => $gas,
            'data' => $data,

     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return Transaction
    public function transfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount): Transaction
        Utils::validate($from, $to, $amount, $this->address);

        return new Transaction($this->transferData($from, $to, $amount));

     * Returns the token's decimals
     * @return int
     * @throws Exception
    public function getDecimals(): int
        $result = $this->contract->decimals();

        if (is_array($result) && $result[0] instanceof BigNumber) {
            return intval($result[0]->toString());
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the decimals value!", 12000);

     * Returns the balance of the current token in the address given wallet address
     * @param string $address
     * @return float
     * @throws Exception
    public function getBalance(string $address): float
        $result = $this->contract->balanceOf($address);

        if (is_array($result) && $result['balance'] instanceof BigNumber) {
            return Utils::toDec($result['balance']->toString(), $this->getDecimals());
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the balance!", 11000);

     * get token name
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getName(): ?string
        return isset($this->contract->name()[0]) ? $this->contract->name()[0] : null;

     * get token symbol
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getSymbol(): ?string
        return isset($this->contract->symbol()[0]) ? $this->contract->symbol()[0] : null;

     * get token total supply
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function getTotalSupply(): string
        $totalSupply = $this->contract->totalSupply();

        if (is_array($totalSupply) && end($totalSupply) instanceof BigNumber) {
            $totalSupply = Utils::toDec(
            return rtrim(number_format($totalSupply, $this->getDecimals(), ',', '.'), 0);
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the total suppy!", 14001);

     * Returns the current token contract address
     * @return string
    public function getAddress(): string
        return $this->address;

     * @param string $name
     * @param array $args
     * @return mixed
    public function __call(string $name, array $args)
        return $this->contract->$name(...$args);

Note: The code provided above is for the Token class in the Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php namespace. Let’s break down the code and understand its functionality:

  • The code declares a class called Token within the Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php namespace.
  • The class is marked as final, which means it cannot be subclassed or extended further.
  • The class has several properties and methods that we’ll examine in detail.

Let’s take a look at the individual methods and their functionality:

  1. __construct(string $contractAddress, array $abi = [], Provider $provider)
  • This is the constructor method of the Token class.
  • It takes three parameters: $contractAddress, $abi, and $provider.
  • It checks the validity of the $contractAddress using the AddressValidator::validate() method. If the address is invalid, it throws an exception with an error code (23000).
  • It assigns the $provider parameter to the private $provider property.
  • It assigns the $contractAddress parameter to the private $address property.
  • If the $abi parameter is empty, it reads the contents of the erc20.json file and assigns it to the $abi variable.
  • It creates a new Contract instance by passing the $contractAddress, decoded $abi, and $provider to the constructor.
  • The created Contract instance is assigned to the public $contract property of the Token class.
  1. transferData(string $from, string $to, float $amount): array
  • This method generates token transfer data.
  • It takes three parameters: $from, $to, and $amount.
  • It checks if the balance of the $from address is sufficient for the transfer by calling the getBalance($from) method. If the balance is insufficient, it throws an exception with an error code (10000).
  • It converts the $amount to its hexadecimal representation using the Utils::toHex() method, based on the token’s decimals.
  • It uses the getData() method of the Contract instance to generate the transfer data, passing $to and $hexAmount as arguments.
  • It estimates the gas required for the transfer using the getEstimateGas() method of the Contract instance.
  • It returns an array with the transfer details, including the from address, value, to address (token contract address), chainId, nonce, gasPrice, gas, and data.
  1. transfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount): Transaction
  • This method initiates a token transfer.
  • It takes three parameters: $from, $to, and $amount.
  • It calls the Utils::validate() method to validate the $from, $to, and $amount parameters, as well as the token contract address ($this->address).
  • It calls the transferData() method to get the transfer data.
  • It creates and returns a new Transaction instance using the transfer data.
  1. getDecimals(): int
  • This method returns the decimals value of the token.
  • It calls the decimals() method of the Contract instance to retrieve the decimals value.
  • If the result is an array and the first element is an instance of BigNumber, it converts and returns the decimals value as an integer.
  • If there is a problem retrieving the decimals value, it throws an exception with an error code (12000).
  1. getBalance(string $address): float
  • This method returns the balance of the token for a given wallet address.
  • It takes one parameter: $address.
  • It calls the balanceOf($address) method of the Contract instance to retrieve the balance of the given address.
  • If the result is an array and the balance key holds an instance of BigNumber, it converts and returns the balance value as a float, using the Utils::toDec() method.
  • If there is a problem retrieving the balance, it throws an exception with an error code (11000).
  1. getName(): ?string
  • This method returns the name of the token.
  • It calls the name() method of the Contract instance.
  • If the first element of the returned array is set, it returns the name as a string.
  • Otherwise, it returns null.
  1. getSymbol(): ?string
  • This method returns the symbol of the token.
  • It calls the symbol() method of the Contract instance.
  • If the first element of the returned array is set, it returns the symbol as a string.
  • Otherwise, it returns null.
  1. getTotalSupply(): string
  • This method returns the total supply of the token.
  • It calls the totalSupply() method of the Contract instance.
  • If the result is an array and the last element is an instance of BigNumber, it converts and returns the total supply value as a formatted string.
  • If there is a problem retrieving the total supply, it throws an exception with an error code (14001).
  1. getAddress(): string
  • This method returns the current token contract address.
  • It simply returns the value of the private $address property.
  1. __call(string $name, array $args)
  • This is a magic method that allows invoking contract methods dynamically.
  • It passes the $name and $args parameters to the corresponding method of the Contract instance and returns the result.

That’s the breakdown of the Token class. It provides various methods to interact with a token contract, such as transferring tokens, retrieving balances, getting token information, and more.

  • Manage provider Provider.php

namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3\Web3;
use Web3\Eth;
use Exception;
use Web3\Providers\HttpProvider;
use MultipleChain\EvmBasedChains;
use Web3\RequestManagers\HttpRequestManager;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;
use Web3p\EthereumTx\Transaction as PendingTransaction;

final class Provider

     * Current time
     * @var int
    private $time;

     * The connected blockchain network
     * @var object
    private $network;

     * Current blockchain gas price
     * @var int
    private $defaultGasPrice = 10000000000;

     * Current blockchain transfer nonce
     * @var int
    private $defaultNonce = 1;

     * Web3 instance
     * @var Web3
    public $web3;

     * Eth instance / RPC Api methods
     * @var Eth
    public $methods;

     * @var PendingTransaction|null
    private $pendingTransaction = null;

     * Exception codes
     * @var array
    public static $codes = [
        10000 => 'Insufficient balance!',
        11000 => 'There was a problem retrieving the balance',
        12000 => 'There was a problem retrieving the decimals value',
        13000 => 'There was a problem retrieving the transaction id',
        14000 => 'There was a problem retrieving the chain id',
        14001 => 'There was a problem retrieving the total supply',
        15000 => 'Before you can use the signing process, you must create a pending transaction.',
        16000 => 'Transaction time out!',
        18000 => 'It should contain native currency, symbol and decimals values',
        20000 => 'The amount cannot be zero or less than zero!',
        21000 => 'Invalid sender address!',
        22000 => 'Invalid receiver address!',
        23000 => 'Invalid token address!',
        24000 => 'Invalid transaction id!',
        25000 => 'Invalid transaction data!',
        26000 => 'Transaction failed!'

     * @param string|array $network
     * @param boolean|null $testnet
     * @param integer $timeOut
    public function __construct($network, bool $testnet = null, int $timeOut = 5)
        $networks = $testnet ? EvmBasedChains::$testnets : EvmBasedChains::$mainnets;

        if (is_object($network)) {
            $this->network = $network;
        } elseif (is_array($network)) {
            $this->network = (object) $network;
        } else if (isset($networks[$network])) {
            $this->network = (object) $networks[$network];
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Network not found!');

        if (!is_object($this->network->nativeCurrency)) {
            $this->network->nativeCurrency = (object) $this->network->nativeCurrency;

        $this->web3 = new Web3(new HttpProvider(new HttpRequestManager($this->network->rpcUrl, $timeOut)));
        $this->methods = $this->web3->eth;

        $this->time = time();

     * @return object
    public function getNetwork(): object
        return $this->network;

     * Start transfer process
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @param string|null $tokenAddress
     * @return Provider
     * @throws Exception
    public function transfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount, ?string $tokenAddress = null): Provider
        if (is_null($tokenAddress)) {
            return $this->coinTransfer($from, $to, $amount);
        } else {
            return $this->tokenTransfer($from, $to, $amount, $tokenAddress);

     * Start token transfer process
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @param string $tokenAddress
     * @return Provider
     * @throws Exception
    public function tokenTransfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount, string $tokenAddress): Provider
        $this->validate($from, $to, $amount, $tokenAddress);

        $this->pendingTransaction = (new Token($tokenAddress, [], $this))->transfer($from, $to, $amount);

        return $this;

     * Start coin transfer process
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return Provider
     * @throws Exception
    public function coinTransfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount): Provider
        $this->validate($from, $to, $amount);

        $this->pendingTransaction = (new Coin($this))->transfer($from, $to, $amount);

        return $this;

     * @param string $privateKey
     * @param PendingTransaction|null $pendingTransaction
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function sign(string $privateKey, ?PendingTransaction $pendingTransaction = null): string
        if ($pendingTransaction instanceof PendingTransaction) {
            $this->pendingTransaction = $pendingTransaction;

        if ($this->pendingTransaction instanceof PendingTransaction) {
            return $this->pendingTransaction->sign($privateKey);
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("Before you can use the signing process, you must create a pending transaction.", 15000);

     * @param string $privateKey
     * @param PendingTransaction|null $pendingTransaction
     * @return Transaction
     * @throws Exception
    public function signAndSend(string $privateKey, ?PendingTransaction $pendingTransaction = null): Transaction
        return $this->sendSignedTransaction($this->sign($privateKey, $pendingTransaction));

     * Runs the signed transaction
     * @param string $signedTransaction
     * @return Transaction
     * @throws Exception
    public function sendSignedTransaction(string $signedTransaction): Transaction
        try {
            $transactionId = null;
            $this->methods->sendRawTransaction('0x' . $signedTransaction, function ($err, $tx) use (&$transactionId) {
                if ($err) {
                    throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
                } else {
                    $transactionId = $tx;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            if ((time() - $this->time) >= 15) {
                throw new \Exception("Transaction time out!", 16000);
            } else {
                if ($e->getCode() == -32000 && $e->getMessage() != 'invalid sender') {
                    return $this->sendSignedTransaction($signedTransaction);

        if (is_string($transactionId)) {
            return $this->createTransactionInstance($transactionId);
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the transaction id!", 13000);

     * @param string $transactionId
     * @return Transaction
     * @throws Exception
    public function createTransactionInstance(string $transactionId): Transaction
        try {
            return new Transaction($transactionId, $this);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            if ((time() - $this->time) >= 15) {
                throw new \Exception("Transaction failed.", 26000);
            } else {
                if ($e->getCode() == 0 || $e->getCode() == 25000) {
                    return $this->createTransactionInstance($transactionId);

     * Gets the chain id of the blockchain network given the RPC url address
     * @return int
     * @throws Exception
    public function getChainId(): int
        $chainId = null;
        $this->web3->net->version(function ($err, $res) use (&$chainId) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $chainId = $res;

        if (is_string($chainId)) {
            return intval($chainId);
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the chain id!", 14000);

     * get block number
     * @return int
     * @throws Exception
    public function getBlockNumber(): int
        $number = null;
        $this->methods->blockNumber(function ($err, $res) use (&$number) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $number = $res;

        if (is_object($number) && $number instanceof BigNumber) {
            return intval($number->toString());
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the chain id!", 14000);

     * It receives the gas fee required for the transactions
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function getGasPrice(): string
        $result = null;
        $this->methods->gasPrice(function ($err, $res) use (&$result) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $result = $res;

        if ($result instanceof BigNumber) {
            return Utils::hex($result->toString());
        } else {
            return Utils::hex($this->defaultGasPrice);

     * Get transfer nonce
     * @param string $from
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function getNonce(string $from): string
        $result = null;
        $this->methods->getTransactionCount($from, 'pending', function ($err, $res) use (&$result) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $result = $res;

        if ($result instanceof BigNumber) {
            return Utils::hex($result->toString());
        } else {
            return Utils::hex($this->defaultNonce);

     * @return object
    public function getCurrency(): object
        return $this->network->nativeCurrency;

     * @param string $hash
     * @return Coin
    public function Coin(): Coin
        return new Coin($this);

     * @param string $address
     * @return Token
    public function Token(string $address, array $abi = []): Token
        return new Token($address, $abi, $this);

     * @param string $hash
     * @return Transaction
    public function Transaction(string $hash): Transaction
        return new Transaction($hash, $this);

     * @param string $name
     * @param array $args
     * @return mixed
    public function __call(string $name, array $args)
        return $this->methods->$name(...$args);

Note: The code provided above is a PHP class named Provider within the namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php. Here’s a breakdown of the class and its methods:

  1. The class has several properties such as $time, $network, $defaultGasPrice, $defaultNonce, $web3, $methods, and $pendingTransaction. These properties are used to store various data and instances.

  2. The constructor method __construct() is used to initialize the class. It accepts parameters $network, $testnet, and $timeOut to configure the blockchain network. It sets up the Web3 instance using the provided RPC URL.

  3. The class has getter methods getNetwork(), getCurrency(), and getBlockNumber() that return information about the connected blockchain network, native currency, and the current block number, respectively.

  4. The transfer() method is used to initiate a transfer process. It accepts parameters such as $from, $to, $amount, and an optional $tokenAddress to specify whether it’s a coin transfer or a token transfer.

  5. The methods tokenTransfer() and coinTransfer() handle token transfers and coin transfers, respectively. They validate the input parameters and create a pending transaction object using the Token or Coin class.

  6. The sign() method is used to sign a transaction using a private key. It accepts the private key as a parameter and returns the signed transaction as a string.

  7. The signAndSend() method signs a transaction and sends it to the network. It accepts a private key and an optional pending transaction object. It internally calls the sign() method and then invokes sendSignedTransaction().

  8. The sendSignedTransaction() method sends a signed transaction to the network. It takes the signed transaction as a parameter and returns a Transaction instance.

  9. The createTransactionInstance() method creates a Transaction instance given a transaction ID. It handles exceptions and retries the operation if necessary.

  10. The getChainId() method retrieves the chain ID of the connected blockchain network.

  11. The methods getGasPrice() and getNonce() retrieve the gas price and transfer nonce, respectively, from the network. They handle exceptions and provide default values if necessary.

  12. The methods Coin(), Token(), and Transaction() create instances of the Coin, Token, and Transaction classes, respectively.

  13. The magic method __call() allows invoking Ethereum RPC API methods using dynamic method calls on the Provider instance.

Additionally, the class has a static property $codes that defines exception codes and their corresponding error messages.

This class is part of a larger package/library for interacting with the Celo blockchain using PHP.

  • Manage contract Contract.php

namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3\Contract as Web3Contract;
use Web3\Validators\AddressValidator;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;

final class Contract
     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

     * Current token contract address
     * @var string
    private $address;

     * web3 contract
     * @var Web3Contract
    public $contract;

     * Default gas
     * @var int
    private $defaultGas = 50000;

     * @param string $address
     * @param array $abi
     * @param Provider|null $provider
    public function __construct(string $address, array $abi, Provider $provider)
        if (AddressValidator::validate($address) === false) {
            throw new \Exception('Invalid contract address!', 23000);

        $this->address = $address;
        $this->provider = $provider;
        $this->contract = (new Web3Contract($this->provider->web3->provider, json_encode($abi)))->at($address);

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getEstimateGas(string $method, ...$params): ?string
        $gas = null;
        call_user_func_array([$this->contract, 'estimateGas'], [$method, ...$params, function ($err, $res) use (&$gas) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $gas = $res;

        if ($gas instanceof BigNumber) {
            return Utils::hex($gas->toString());
        } else {
            return Utils::hex($this->defaultGas);

        return $gas;

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getData(string $method, ...$params): ?string
        return '0x' . $this->contract->getData($method, ...$params);

     * Returns the current token contract address
     * @return string
    public function getAddress(): string
        return $this->address;

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return mixed
    public function __call(string $method, array $params)
        $result = null;
        call_user_func_array([$this->contract, 'call'], [$method, ...$params, function ($err, $res) use (&$result) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $result = $res;

        return $result;

Note: The code provided above is a PHP class named Contract within the namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php. Let’s go through the code and explain each part:


namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3\Contract as Web3Contract;
use Web3\Validators\AddressValidator;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;

final class Contract
    // ...

The code begins with the PHP opening tag <?php followed by the namespace declaration. It imports some required classes using the use statement.

The Contract class is defined as final, which means it cannot be extended by other classes. This class represents a contract on the Celo blockchain and provides methods to interact with the contract.

     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

This private property holds an instance of the Provider class. It is used to connect to the Celo network and access the web3 provider.

     * Current token contract address
     * @var string
    private $address;

This private property stores the address of the current token contract.

     * web3 contract
     * @var Web3Contract
    public $contract;

This public property holds an instance of the Web3Contract class. It represents the contract on the Celo network and provides methods to interact with it.

     * Default gas
     * @var int
    private $defaultGas = 50000;

This private property holds the default gas value used in contract interactions if the gas value is not explicitly specified.

     * @param string $address
     * @param array $abi
     * @param Provider|null $provider
    public function __construct(string $address, array $abi, Provider $provider)
        // ...

This is the constructor method of the Contract class. It is called when creating a new instance of the class. It takes the contract address, ABI (Application Binary Interface), and a Provider object as parameters. The constructor validates the contract address using the AddressValidator class and throws an exception if the address is invalid. It initializes the address, provider, and contract properties accordingly.

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getEstimateGas(string $method, ...$params): ?string
        // ...

This method, getEstimateGas(), calculates the estimated gas required to execute a contract method. It takes the method name as a string and variable-length parameter list for the method arguments. It uses the estimateGas() method of the contract object to get the gas estimation. The gas estimation is retrieved asynchronously using a callback function. If an error occurs during estimation, an exception is thrown. The method then converts the gas value to a hexadecimal string using the Utils::hex() method and returns it. If the gas value is not returned as a BigNumber, it uses the default gas value defined in the class.

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return string|null
     * @throws Exception
    public function getData(string $method, ...$params): ?string
        // ...

This method

, getData(), generates the encoded data for a contract method call. It takes the method name as a string and variable-length parameter list for the method arguments. It uses the getData() method of the contract object to generate the data. The generated data is prefixed with ‘0x’ and returned as a string.

     * Returns the current token contract address
     * @return string
    public function getAddress(): string
        return $this->address;

This method, getAddress(), simply returns the current contract address.

     * @param string $method
     * @param array $params
     * @return mixed
    public function __call(string $method, array $params)
        // ...

This magic method, __call(), allows dynamic invocation of contract methods. It is called when a method is called on the Contract object that is not explicitly defined in the class. It uses the call() method of the contract object to invoke the requested method asynchronously with the provided parameters. The result is retrieved asynchronously using a callback function. If an error occurs during the method invocation, an exception is thrown. The result is then returned.

That’s an overview of the provided code. It represents a PHP class that wraps a Celo contract and provides methods for estimating gas, generating data, retrieving the contract address, and dynamically invoking contract methods.

  • Manage coin Coin.php

namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3p\EthereumTx\Transaction;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;

final class Coin
     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

     * @param Provider|null $provider
    public function __construct(Provider $provider)
        $this->provider = $provider;

     * Generates a coin transfer data
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function transferData(string $from, string $to, float $amount): array
        if ($this->getBalance($from) < $amount) {
            throw new \Exception('Insufficient balance!', 10000);

        return [
            'to' => $to,
            'data' => '',
            'from' => $from,
            'gas' => Utils::hex(21000),
            'chainId' => $this->provider->getChainId(),
            'nonce' => $this->provider->getNonce($from),
            'gasPrice' => $this->provider->getGasPrice(),
            'value' => Utils::toHex($amount, $this->getDecimals()),

     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return Transaction
    public function transfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount): Transaction
        Utils::validate($from, $to, $amount);

        return new Transaction($this->transferData($from, $to, $amount));

     * Returns the coin decimals
     * @return int
    public function getDecimals(): int
        return $this->provider->getCurrency()->decimals;

     * Returns the coin symbol
     * @return string
    public function getSymbol(): string
        return $this->provider->getCurrency()->symbol;

     * Returns the balance of the current token in the address given wallet address
     * @param string $address
     * @return float
     * @throws Exception
    public function getBalance(string $address): float
        $result = null;
        $this->provider->methods->getBalance($address, function ($err, $res) use (&$result) {
            if ($err) {
                throw new \Exception($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode());
            } else {
                $result = $res;

        if ($result instanceof BigNumber) {
            return Utils::toDec($result->toString(), $this->getDecimals());
        } else {
            throw new \Exception("There was a problem retrieving the balance!", 11000);

Note: The code provided above is a PHP class named Coin within the namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php. Let’s go through the code and explain each part:


namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

use Web3p\EthereumTx\Transaction;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber;

final class Coin
    // ...

The code begins with the PHP opening tag <?php followed by the namespace declaration. It imports some required classes using the use statement.

The Coin class is defined as final, which means it cannot be extended by other classes. This class represents a coin (token) on the Celo blockchain and provides methods to interact with the coin, such as transferring coins and retrieving balance.

     * Provider
     * @var Provider
    private $provider;

This private property holds an instance of the Provider class. It is used to connect to the Celo network and access the web3 provider.

     * @param Provider|null $provider
    public function __construct(Provider $provider)
        $this->provider = $provider;

This is the constructor method of the Coin class. It takes a Provider object as a parameter and assigns it to the provider property.

     * Generates a coin transfer data
     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public function transferData(string $from, string $to, float $amount): array
        // ...

This method, transferData(), generates the data required for a coin transfer. It takes the sender’s address ($from), recipient’s address ($to), and the amount of coins to transfer ($amount) as parameters. It first checks if the sender has sufficient balance using the getBalance() method. If the balance is insufficient, it throws an exception. It then returns an array containing transfer-related data, such as the recipient’s address, data (empty for a simple coin transfer), sender’s address, gas limit, chain ID, nonce, gas price, and the value of the coins to transfer.

     * @param string $from
     * @param string $to
     * @param float $amount
     * @return Transaction
    public function transfer(string $from, string $to, float $amount): Transaction
        // ...

This method, transfer(), initiates a coin transfer. It takes the sender’s address ($from), recipient’s address ($to), and the amount of coins to transfer ($amount) as parameters. It first validates the addresses and amount using the validate() method from the Utils class. It then calls the transferData() method to generate the transfer data and passes it to the Transaction constructor to create a new Transaction object representing the coin transfer. The created Transaction object is returned.

     * Returns the coin decimals
     * @return int
    public function getDecimals(): int
        return $this->provider->getCurrency()->decimals;

This method, getDecimals(), returns the number of decimal places for the coin.

     * Returns the coin symbol
     * @return string

    public function getSymbol(): string
        return $this->provider->getCurrency()->symbol;

This method, getSymbol(), returns the symbol of the coin.

     * Returns the balance of the current token in the address given wallet address
     * @param string $address
     * @return float
     * @throws Exception
    public function getBalance(string $address): float
        // ...

This method, getBalance(), retrieves the balance of the current coin for a given wallet address. It takes the address as a parameter. It calls the getBalance() method of the provider’s methods object to get the balance asynchronously. The balance result is retrieved using a callback function. If an error occurs during the balance retrieval, an exception is thrown. The method then converts the balance value to the appropriate decimal value using the toDec() method from the Utils class and returns it.

That’s an overview of the provided code. It represents a PHP class that interacts with a coin (token) on the Celo blockchain. It provides methods to generate transfer data, initiate coin transfers, retrieve balance, and retrieve coin-related information such as decimals and symbol.

We may now attempt to communicate with Celo Blockchain after classifying all fundamental functions into distinct categories.

Let’s update CeloWeb3Php.php


namespace Shuqroh\CeloWeb3Php;

$celo_mainnet = [
    "id" => 42220,
    "hexId" => "0xa4ec",
    "name" => "Celo Mainnet",
    "rpcUrl" => "",
    "explorerUrl" => "",
    "nativeCurrency" => [
        "symbol" => "CELO",
        "decimals" => 18

$celo_testnet = [
    "id" => 44787,
    "hexId" => "0xaef3",
    "name" => "Celo Testnet Alfajores",
    "rpcUrl" => "",
    "explorerUrl" => "",
    "nativeCurrency" => [
        "symbol" => "CELO",
        "decimals" => 18

$cusd_token_address = [
    "mainnet" => "0x765DE816845861e75A25fCA122bb6898B8B1282a",
    "testnet" => "0x874069Fa1Eb16D44d622F2e0Ca25eeA172369bC1"

 * Create web3 provider instance
 * @var Provider

$provider =  new Provider($celo_testnet, true);

 * get provder network
 * @var Object


 * transfer celo
 * @var string

$from = "0x8d8e9c5b1e162a7d0eef414a8e6e0f1a4d9d4d9b";
$to = "0x8d8e9c5b1e162a7d0eef414a8e6e0f1a4d9d4d9b";
$amount = 1;

print_r($provider->transfer($from, $to, $amount));

 * transfer cusd
 * @var string

$from = "0x8d8e9c5b1e162a7d0eef414a8e6e0f1a4d9d4d9b";
$to = "0x8d8e9c5b1e162a7d0eef414a8e6e0f1a4d9d4d9b";
$amount = 1;
$token_address = "0x";

print_r($provider->transfer($from, $to, $amount, $cusd_token_address['testnet']));

 * connect to smart contract
 * @var string

$contract_address = "0x8d8e9c5b1e162a7d0eef414a8e6e0f1a4d9d4d9b";
$contract_abi = [];

$contract = new Contract($contract_address, $contract_abi, $provider);

 * call smart contract function
 * @var string

print_r($contract->call("function_name", ["param1", "param2"]));

The code above explains how you can create a web3 provider instance from the OOP classes we created before and then use it to transfer tokens, connect to smart contracts, etc.

About the Author

Shukurah Ganiyu is a UIUX designer and a content writer passionate about blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies for the emerging Web3 sector.


Source code

Multichain EVM


This will be an eye-opener. Well done.


Great topic idea here, look forward to the finished code!


Fantastic news! Your proposal has landed in this week’s top voted list. As you begin your project journey, remember to align with our community and technical guidelines, ensuring a high quality platform for our developers. Congratulations! :mortar_board: :seedling:


Glad I voted for ur tutorial :smile:


Great work


I will be reviewing this


Welcome to our Celo community @Harunzy . Good to have you here


@Shuqroh97 welldone! :smile:


A great article right here , learnt a lot as i will love to work on creating a backend system that interface with blockchain networks and also interact with dApps soon … the article will definitely come in handy.


I must admit this is my first time of seeing something on web3 php. Great content i must say.


Great tutorial. More of this