Interacting with Smart Contracts using Viem

Viem is a robust TypeScript Interface for Ethereum. Often considered a reliable alternative to ethers.js and web3.js,

Viem emphasizes reliability, efficiency, and an outstanding developer experience. It provides stateless, low-level primitives for interacting seamlessly with Ethereum, hence, making it a promising tool for decentralized application (DApp) development.

In this hands-on tutorial, we will delve into the process of creating a Decentralized Voting DApp. This DApp will serve as an interactive platform for understanding Viem’s prowess in Ethereum interaction. The application will feature various critical functionalities, including candidate and voter registration, voting mechanism, real-time result display, and an election termination process.

By the end of this tutorial, you will not only have a functioning Decentralized Voting DApp, but you will also have gained valuable insights into Viem’s efficient approach to Ethereum smart contracts.

Let’s embark on this journey to decode the potential of Viem, and in the process, discover a new perspective on developing Ethereum DApps.


Hey bro! As much as I love reading your tutorial, I also want the best for you. I’d like to see how you implement Viem cos I love Typescript deeply. But please could you try to pick another topic to run Viem on instead of Decentralized voting? We’ve got a lot of tutorials on that topic and see we can’t fathom exactly when they fix. You also have my thumbs.


Hahahaha… i get you brother. So what would you suggest i build the frontend with? The tutorial is more of showing how to use viem but i dont want it to be a tutorial with just snippets of codes.


You could think of anything different to use as an example other than decentralized voting. Even a simple buying and selling of ERC20-based tokens on the Celo platform would suffice.


Bro, I found a topic very similar to yours at Migrating to ethers or viem

But he seems to make the proposal first.


Yes sir.
i sent you a private message based on your comment under the post you’re referring to.

You may consider taking your comment(over there) down.


Seen! Responded.