Kuneco Celo Community Call (Feb, '22)

Mission and Introduction

The call started with a warm welcome from Adriana, who introduced herself as the support for the Celo community. She emphasized the mission of building a financial system that promotes prosperity for everyone. Kuneco, which means togetherness in Esperanto, serves as a platform for the community to connect and collaborate. The call took place in Denver, and Adriana shared the view from her hotel room, expressing her excitement about meeting the community members in person.

Celo Ecosystem Presence

Adriana highlighted the significant presence of the Celo ecosystem during the week of the call. Over 30 people from the ecosystem were in attendance, and she encouraged community members to reach out if they wanted to connect with anyone from the ecosystem. She mentioned the Options Market happening in collaboration with Hedgy, an open-source options protocol built on Celo. The collaboration aimed to diversify the Moola community treasury and support the builders working on the protocol.

DApps Page in Velora

The DApps page, which was previously mentioned in a previous Kuneco event, had gone live in Velora. This integration aimed to provide a seamless connection between Flora and DApps within the Celo ecosystem. Users were encouraged to explore the latest version of Velora, try out the DApps page, and provide feedback or ideas for better integration.

Participating in the Bake Off

Adriana emphasized the ease of participating in the Bake Off, mentioning that it only requires a small pull request (PR) submission. She shared an example of a submission from Mento, which consisted of just a few lines of JSON in an image. Adriana encouraged community members to participate in the Bake Off and provided resources for submitting their ideas and projects.

KunekoCo-op Payment App

Ronan, another speaker, introduced the KunekoCo-op payment app, which had been a long-awaited feature. The app allowed users to select a contact from their list and easily send funds, which could be received on the recipient’s smartphone. The funds could be used to pay for goods and services at affiliated merchants or be cashed out. Ronan demonstrated the process of generating a payment link using Cello.trellis.com, allowing users to receive payments and manage transactions conveniently.

Swap Pizza and Gift Cards

Kundi took the stage to present Swap Pizza, a platform that allowed users to convert their civil coins into gift cards in various countries. Users could send these gift cards as presents to others. Kundi mentioned their work on a bill pay option, enabling users to pay for services such as cable subscriptions, mobile airtime, and even taxes in 22 countries. The platform was already live in 10 currencies and over 30 countries.

ReSwap and Social Good

Alex presented ReSwap, a platform focused on social good and supporting creators and collectors. They were developing a reward system using the ReToken, which would allow creators to earn rewards by successfully minting and selling collections. They also aimed to help culturally driven artists gain exposure and monetize their work. The goal was to provide a platform for artists to share their stories and generate financial wealth.

Healthcare Revolution for the Crypto Economy

Dr. Mila discussed a revolutionary healthcare initiative for the gig and crypto economies. By leveraging underwriting partnerships, they aimed to provide lower-cost, fully functional health plans to individuals in the Celo community. This initiative would ensure that even freelancers and gig economy workers within the Celo community could access affordable and comprehensive healthcare plans. Dr. Mila emphasized the importance of bridging the gap in healthcare coverage for individuals in non-traditional work arrangements and highlighted the potential for decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Moola Updates

Cassandra provided updates on Moola, a decentralized lending and borrowing platform built on Celo. She mentioned the successful integration of Aave into Moola, which expanded the range of assets available for borrowing and lending. Cassandra also discussed upcoming features, including the launch of Moola v2, which would introduce new asset classes and support for non-Celo stablecoins. She encouraged community members to join the Moola Discord channel for further updates and discussions.

Stability and Security on Celo

Stability and security were key topics discussed by Isaac during the call. He highlighted the importance of stability mechanisms in the Celo ecosystem and provided an overview of stability protocol design principles. Isaac also addressed concerns related to security audits and mentioned ongoing efforts to strengthen the security infrastructure of the Celo platform.

Community Q&A

The call concluded with a community Q&A session, where attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on various topics discussed during the call. Community members actively participated, asking questions about project timelines, technical aspects, and potential collaborations.


The Kuneco Celo Community Call in February 2022 provided valuable updates on the progress and initiatives within the Celo ecosystem. Attendees learned about the integration of DApps in Velora, the KunekoCo-op payment app, Swap Pizza, ReSwap, healthcare initiatives, Moola updates, stability and security measures, and more. The call fostered community engagement and collaboration, demonstrating the collective effort to build a decentralized financial system on the Celo platform.