Kuneco Celo Community Call (Oct, '21)

Welcome to the Kuneco Celo Community Call , we will summarize the key points discussed during the community call. The call covered various topics, including updates from projects in the Celo ecosystem, community announcements, and the launch of the Make Crypto Mobile Hackathon. Let’s dive into the details.

Introduction and Lisbon Blockchain Week

The community call started with a warm welcome to all participants. The host mentioned that they were listening to traditional Portuguese Fado music from Lisbon in honor of Lisbon Blockchain Week. Attendees were encouraged to check out the events, panel discussions, and impromptu meetups happening during the week. The host also expressed excitement about Celo’s mission to build a financial system that promotes prosperity for everyone.

Agenda Overview

The agenda for the community call was outlined. It included a welcome session, updates from projects in the Celo ecosystem, community announcements (such as the Make Crypto Mobile Hackathon), the announcement of the Celo Community Builder Award winner, and closing remarks.

Welcoming Sushi and Celo Ecosystem Updates

During the call, Omakase and Merrick welcomed Sushi, a project joining the Celo ecosystem. They discussed the importance of building liquidity and financial primitives in the ecosystem. They also mentioned the upcoming launch of Trident, a new AMM (Automated Market Maker) framework, built on top of Bento Box. This framework would enable the addition of various AMMs and NFT primitives to Celo.

Valora’s Crypto Rewards and Adoption Growth

Jackie from Valora shared updates on their partnership with the Celo community program. They had been experimenting with offering crypto rewards to help people get started with crypto and promote the adoption of Celo. Positive results and user feedback were mentioned, indicating the success of their approach.

Snow Savi and Fundraising Conversations

The community call featured discussions on Snow Savi, a savings pool, and a demo day for Flurry companies. Snow Savi allowed users to save money and earn interest. The pool reached 1,000 savers within 24 hours, demonstrating strong interest. The demo day showcased several companies, and the event served as a catalyst for fundraising conversations, with $12 million already reserved for the rounds.

Ve for Wealth Access and the Website Launch

Ve, a platform for easy trading of stocks, commodities, and indexes, was introduced. They emphasized their vision to bring access to wealth for everyone worldwide, focusing on negligible fees and censorship-resistant features. The launch of their website was announced, which offered unique features and surprises for users to explore.

Make Crypto Mobile Hackathon

Anna, from the Celo Foundation, presented the Make Crypto Mobile Hackathon. The hackathon aimed to grow the developer community, encourage the development of new applications, and showcase Celo’s capabilities. Partnerships with institutions, such as a YouTube channel and QuickNode, were highlighted, offering expertise and support to participants.

Community Events and Closing Remarks

The call mentioned a newly launched community events calendar, where participants could find details about upcoming events. The host invited everyone to participate and engage with the Celo community. The call concluded with a thank you to the participants and anticipation for future events.