Sending Cusd using a dapp built with Celocomposer: A step by step tutorial

In this tutorial, we aim to guide developers through the process of creating a dApp using Celo Composer to facilitate the secure and efficient transmission of Celo stablecoins (cUSD, cREAL, and cEUR) on the Celo blockchain. Using vanilla JavaScript, Solidity, and Hardhat via and Celo Composer, we guide developers through the entirety of the the dApp development workflow ending with a completed full-stack blockchain application.


Hi @Blessing_Adekunle - this post has received a high number of votes so I’d like to approve it. Could you update it so that it meets our guidelines to help developer build on Celo. Also, please avoid topics that could be perceived as investment advice such as arbitrage opportunities for compliance to our legal guidelines. Thank you!


@Celo_Academy Thanks for your reply, edited the topic , building it up from a developers perspective in compliance with Celo guidelines.


@Blessing_Adekunle thanks for the update! It’s now up for community vote and will be eligible for this weeks approvals.

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Hey @Blessing_Adekunle - it’s still not clear to me exactly what you plan to demonstrate in the tutorial.

Here’s my attempt to give this a clear objective;

“In this tutorial, we aim to guide developers through the process of creating a dApp using Celo Composer to facilitate the secure and efficient transmission of Celo stablecoins (cUSD, cREAL, and cEUR) on the Celo blockchain. Using vanilla JavaScript, Solidity, and Hardhat via and Celo Composer, we guide developers through the entirety of the the dApp development workflow ending with a completed full-stack blockchain application.”

This is a clear description that includes the tools and functionality you plan to showcase. If you’d like to use different tools, frameworks, or functions you can swap them out. Hope that helps!

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