Mastering the Craft of NFT Pre-Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Smart Contracts for Pre-Sale NFTs

This tutorial will deliver an end-to-end guide on designing, creating, testing, and deploying a pre-sale smart contract for NFTs.

The tutorial will start with an introduction to pre-sale NFTs and why they are advantageous for creators. It will then delve into the fundamental elements of smart contracts, ensuring the reader understands the key components needed to build a robust and secure contract.

Next, the tutorial will provide a comprehensive guide to constructing a pre-sale smart contract. This section will address all the necessary aspects such as setting the pre-sale price, defining the quantity of NFTs available in the pre-sale, managing the buyers’ list, and overseeing the funds’ transfer.

The tutorial will conclude with guidance on managing the pre-sale, executing contract functions, resolving potential issues, and outlining the procedures for transferring NFTs to buyers post pre-sale. This comprehensive guide will aim to equip creators with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully conduct an NFT pre-sale.


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