Non fungible Experiences for Connected Communities


In this video, we will explore the concept of non-fungible experiences for connected communities. We’ll delve into a transcript of a talk by Dimitri and Cynthia, who introduce a project called Alitis, developed by Kiko in Evermind and granted by the Cello community. They discuss the components involved in building the project and highlight its focus on the NFT community, self-agency, and creative empowerment. Throughout the tutorial, we’ll cover topics such as smart contracts, marketplaces, and the Alitis app.

Building the Non-Fungible Experience

To create non-fungible experiences, several components need to be built and considered. Dimitri and Cynthia outline the key elements, including smart contracts, deployment on Cello, community building, and marketing efforts. They emphasize the importance of a community-first approach and working with core creatives to develop grassroots manifestos and prototypes. The goal is to tokenize governance, recognize contributors, and remunerate them within a sustainable ecosystem.

The Kiko and Nevermind Projects

Dimitri provides insights into Kiko and Nevermind, projects related to Alitis. Kiko is a tree service company that has been working with Cello for over two and a half years. Kiko Labs focuses on community-centric prototypes, aiming to convert the greed of money markets into social good. Nevermind comprises smart contracts enabling NFT minting, decentralized storage, federated compute, and more. It forms part of the Access NFTs ecosystem, providing access to services and benefits.

The Tech Stack

The tech stack employed by Alitis includes communities with experiences, DApps kits, and wallets for building creative communities. Smart contracts play a crucial role, facilitating access to NFTs, creative entities, IP NFTs, and more. Additionally, Alitis incorporates marketplaces for hosting NFT assets and federated learning for collaborative compute.

Passion for NFT Exhibitions

The passion for NFT exhibitions began with the Rare Effect festival in Lisbon in early 2021. Dimitri mentions the augmented reality and virtual reality experiences that were part of the festival. This led to the development of a new product called Autonomies, an NFT marketplace for audio files. The focus on self-agency and artists’ control over their intellectual property is a driving force behind the development of the Alitis app.

The Alitis App and Non-Fungible Tokens

The Alitis app, called “Allers,” serves as an NFT marketplace and platform for immersive experiences. It aims to increase community engagement and foster connections between artists and their fan base. Allers allows for the distribution of sales proceeds to different wallets, such as curators, collectors, and impact causes. It also introduces secondary market royalties, enabling artists to earn continuous returns from subsequent sales of their artworks.

Exploring the Alitis App

To access the Alitis app, users can launch “Allers” on their mobile web browser. They need to connect their Velora wallet to the app. Allers provides an easy-to-use interface and features a built-in QR code reader for pull-ups. The app focuses on impact-driven initiatives, utilizes stable coins, and has smart contracts audited and deployed on the Cello blockchain.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Dimitri and Cynthia wrap up their talk by mentioning ongoing developments and future plans for Alitis. They encourage users to follow their Twitter account for updates and announce upcoming features like the integration of the Velora wallet. They also invite users to visit the Alitis exhibition and experience the pull-ups and immersive artworks.