On-Chain Randomness with Celo using Subgraphs

On-Chain Randomness with Celo using Subgraphs https://celo.academy/uploads/default/optimized/2X/0/0c2524e8552bb1e7fc0d6e06c67cf27d10a70fdd_2_1024x576.jpeg
none 0.0 0


In this tutorial, we will explore how subgraphs and randomness work in the Celo blockchain. This tutorial will cover the use of subgraph technology to monitor blockchain activity and how to integrate random elements into your blockchain application. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a foundational understanding of how subgraphs and randomness can enhance your blockchain application and make it more engaging.


This tutorial assumes prior knowledge of Hardhat and the Solidity programming language. Its content will focus on practical examples and implementation details rather than introductory explanations. If you are not familiar with these tools, we recommend that you first learn about them before starting this tutorial to fully benefit from its content.


Step 1: Understanding Celo Randomness & Subgraphs

Celo Randomness

Celo’s Randomness protocol generates decentralized and transparent random values using a trustless approach. It aggregates random numbers from multiple nodes using a tamper-proof Verifiable Random Function (VRF) for high security, unpredictability, and fairness. Other security and fairness features include a threshold signature scheme and a commit-reveal scheme. The protocol is ideal for various applications, including lotteries, games, and other applications requiring trustworthy randomness. if you want to learn more about Celo Randomness, you can read the documentation here.


The Subgraph protocol is a tool for developers to query data from decentralized networks like Ethereum and IPFS. It enables the creation and publication of public APIs called subgraphs, which index data from decentralized networks for easy accessibility by other developers.Using the Subgraph protocol, developers can create and deploy subgraphs that index data from smart contracts on Ethereum or files on IPFS. These subgraphs can be shared publicly for others to query using GraphQL, a powerful API query language. You can learn more about Subgraphs documentation here.

Step 2: Project Setup

Open a terminal and run the following command to create a new project named LotteryClub and initialize it as a Node.js project.

mkdir LotteryClub

cd LotteryClub

npm init -y

Next, install the Hardhat development environment and the OpenZeppelin smart contract libraries by running the following commands:

npm install --save-dev hardhat

npm install dotenv @openzeppelin/contracts --save

After the installation is complete, run the following command to initialize the Hardhat project:

npx hardhat

You will be prompted to select options for your project. Choose ‘Create a JavaScript project.’ The outcome will look like this:

Afterwards, edit the hardhat.config.js file to add the Celo Network and include a mnemonic for deploying the contract. The hardhat.config.js file should appear as follows:

require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });

/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
  solidity: {
    version: "0.8.15",
    settings: {
      optimizer: {
        enabled: true,
        runs: 2000,
  networks: {
    alfajores: {
      url: process.env.RPC_URL,
      chainId: 44787,
      accounts: {
        mnemonic: process.env.MNEMONIC,
        path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",

Step 3: Writing the Smart Contract

Before creating a contract, it’s crucial to determine the goals and features of the lottery application. This tutorial will guide you through building a simple lottery app that enables users to create their own lottery clubs with a variety of prizes to choose from, including real coins (Celo), stablecoins (cUSD, cEUR, etc.), and NFTs.

To ensure the integrity of the winner selection process, we will utilize the Celo Randomness Protocol. This protocol allows us to generate truly random and verifiable numbers for all parties involved.

To build this lottery application, we will create three contracts:

  • LotteryClubFactory

    This contract will serve two purposes: creating new lottery clubs and storing the addresses of all lottery clubs created by users.

  • LotteryClubToken

    This contract is a unique lottery club that offers real coins (Celo), stablecoins (cUSD, cEUR, etc.), and other ERC20 tokens as prizes.

  • LotteryClubNFT

    This contract is a lottery club that utilizes NFTs as prizes.

Celo Randomness Contract

To generate truly random numbers, we will use the Celo Randomness Contract. To interact with this contract, we require an interface contract. To create an interface contract, first, we need to create a folder named interface inside the contracts folder. Next, we need to create a file named IRandom.sol inside the interface folder. Finally, we can add the following code to the IRandom.sol file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

interface IRandom {
    function random() external view returns (bytes32);

LotteryClubToken Contract

In the next step, we will create a lottery club that offers real coins (Celo), stablecoins (cUSD, cEUR, etc.), and ERC20 tokens as prizes. To begin, create a file named LotteryClubToken.sol inside the contracts folder, and then add the following code to it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./interface/IRandom.sol";

contract LotteryClubToken {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    string public name;
    uint256 public reward;
    uint256 public deposit;
    uint256 public membersLimit;
    uint256 private _managerFee;
    uint256 private constant FEE_PERCENT = 2;

    address public rewardAddress;
    address public winer;
    address public manager;
    address public factory;
    address[] private _membersCounters;

    bool public lotteryStatus = false;

    IRandom private constant RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS =

    mapping(address => uint256) private _userDeposit;

    modifier onlyManager() {
            msg.sender == manager,
            "LotteryClubToken: Only manager can call this function"

    event RewardUpdate(
        uint256 reward_,
        uint256 deposit_,
        uint256 membersLimit_,
        address club

    event Winer(address indexed winer_, address club);

    constructor() {
        factory = msg.sender;
        winer = address(0);

    function initialize(
        string calldata name_,
        uint256 reward_,
        uint256 deposit_,
        uint256 membersLimit_,
        uint256 managerFee_,
        address rewardAddress_,
        address manager_
    ) external {
            msg.sender == factory,
            "LotteryClubToken: Only factory can call this function"
        name = name_;
        reward = reward_;
        deposit = deposit_;
        membersLimit = membersLimit_;
        _managerFee = managerFee_;
        rewardAddress = rewardAddress_;
        manager = manager_;

    function setDeposit(uint256 deposit_) external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
            deposit_ > 0,
            "LotteryClubToken: Deposit must be greater than 0"
        deposit = deposit_;

    function setMembersLimit(uint256 membersLimit_) external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
            membersLimit_ > 0,
            "LotteryClubToken: Members limit must be greater than 0"
        membersLimit = membersLimit_;

    function claimFee() external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
            _managerFee > 0,
            "LotteryClubToken: Manager fee is 0"
        uint256 _feeAmount = _managerFee;
        _managerFee = 0;
        IERC20(rewardAddress).transfer(manager, _feeAmount);

    function start() external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
        lotteryStatus = true;

    function draw() external onlyManager {
        require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is not running");
            _membersCounters.length >= membersLimit,
            "LotteryClubToken: Not enough members"
        require(IERC20(rewardAddress).balanceOf(address(this)) >= reward, "LotteryClubToken: Not enough reward");
        lotteryStatus = false;
        winer = _membersCounters[_getRandomNumber() % _membersCounters.length];
        IERC20(rewardAddress).transfer(winer, reward);
        emit Winer(winer, address(this));

    function register() external {
        require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is not running");
            _membersCounters.length < membersLimit,
            "LotteryClubToken: Members limit reached"
            _userDeposit[msg.sender] == 0,
            "LotteryClubToken: You are already registered"
        IERC20(rewardAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), deposit);
        _userDeposit[msg.sender] = deposit;

    function _updateReward() private {
        uint256 baseReward = deposit.mul(membersLimit);
        _managerFee = baseReward.mul(FEE_PERCENT).div(100);
        reward = baseReward.sub(_managerFee);
        emit RewardUpdate(reward, deposit, membersLimit, address(this));

    function _reset() private {
        winer = address(0);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersCounters.length; i++) {
            _userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]] = 0;
        _membersCounters = new address[](0);

    function _getRandomNumber() private view returns (uint256) {
        return uint256(RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS.random());

The code above represents the main code of the LotteryClubToken contract. We will provide a detailed explanation of its contents.

First, we need to define the license and solidity version we will use and import some libraries that we will require. The libraries we will use include SafeMath to perform mathematical operations and prevent overflow and underflow, IRandom to retrieve random values from the Celo Randomness contract, and IERC20 to interact with the tokens we will use as rewards.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./interface/IRandom.sol";

contract LotteryClubToken {
    // Code goes here

In the next step, we will define several variables that we will use in our contract. We will use the SafeMath library to perform math operations and prevent overflow and underflow. These variables include:

  • name: to store the name of the club

  • reward: to store the amount of reward to be given

  • deposit: to store the amount of deposit that must be paid by members

  • membersLimit: to save the number of members needed to participate in the lottery

  • _managerFee: to save the amount of fees that will be given to the manager

  • FEE_PERCENT: to save the percentage of fees that will be given to the manager

  • rewardAddress: to save the address of the token that will be used as a reward

  • winner: to store the address of the winning member

  • manager: to store the address of the club manager

  • factory: to store the address of the factory that will be used to create a club

  • _membersCounters: to store the address of registered members
    lotteryStatus: to save the status of the lottery

  • RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS: to save the address from the IRandom contract which will be used to generate a random number

  • _userDeposit: to store the deposit amount paid by the member.

using SafeMath for uint256;

string public name;
uint256 public reward;
uint256 public deposit;
uint256 public membersLimit;
uint256 private _managerFee;
uint256 private constant FEE_PERCENT = 2;

address public rewardAddress;
address public winer;
address public manager;
address public factory;
address[] private _membersCounters;

bool public lotteryStatus = false;

IRandom private constant RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS =

mapping(address => uint256) private _userDeposit;

Next we will define the modifier we will use. We will use the onlyManager modifier to limit the functionality to only the manager of the club.

modifier onlyManager() {
        msg.sender == manager,
        "LotteryClubToken: Only manager can call this function"

"Next, we will define the events that we will use. We will use the RewardUpdate event as a log of reward changes, and Winner as a log of winning members.

event RewardUpdate(
    uint256 reward_,
    uint256 deposit_,
    uint256 membersLimit_,
    address club

event Winer(address indexed winer_, address club);

Next, let’s discuss some of the functions included in the LotteryClubToken contract. The first is the constructor function, which will be executed the first time we create a club. We also have the initialize function, which will be executed when we create a club and can only be run by the factory. The initialize function accepts several parameters, such as name_ to store the name of the club, reward_ to store the number of rewards to be given, deposit_ to store the deposit amount that must be paid by members, membersLimit_ to store the number of members needed to conduct the lottery, rewardAddress_ to store the address of the token to be used as a reward, and manager_ to store the address of the club’s manager.

constructor() {
    factory = msg.sender;
    winer = address(0);

function initialize(
    string calldata name_,
    uint256 reward_,
    uint256 deposit_,
    uint256 membersLimit_,
    uint256 managerFee_,
    address rewardAddress_,
    address manager_
) external {
        msg.sender == factory,
        "LotteryClubToken: Only factory can call this function"
    name = name_;
    reward = reward_;
    deposit = deposit_;
    membersLimit = membersLimit_;
    _managerFee = managerFee_;
    rewardAddress = rewardAddress_;
    manager = manager_;

Next, we have the setDeposit and setMembersLimit functions which will allow changing the value of deposit and membersLimit, respectively. The setDeposit function takes the deposit_ parameter to store the value of the new deposit, while the setMembersLimit function takes the membersLimit_ parameter to store the new membersLimit value. These two functions are accessible only by the club’s manager, and when lotteryStatus is false.

function setDeposit(uint256 deposit_) external onlyManager {
    require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
        deposit_ > 0,
        "LotteryClubToken: Deposit must be greater than 0"
    deposit = deposit_;
function setMembersLimit(uint256 membersLimit_) external onlyManager {
    require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
        membersLimit_ > 0,
        "LotteryClubToken: Members limit must be greater than 0"
    membersLimit = membersLimit_;

The claimFee function allows the club manager to withdraw the fees that have been collected. This function can only be accessed by the manager of the club. The fees are collected from the members’ deposits and are calculated as a percentage of the total deposits. The percentage is set by the _managerFee variable

function claimFee() external onlyManager {
    require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
        _managerFee > 0,
        "LotteryClubToken: Manager fee is 0"
    uint256 _feeAmount = _managerFee;
    _managerFee = 0;
    IERC20(rewardAddress).transfer(manager, _feeAmount);

Next are the start and draw functions which will be used to start and end the lottery. The start function will start the lottery and can only be accessed by the manager of the club. The draw function will end the lottery and can only be accessed by the manager of the club.

function start() external onlyManager {
    require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is running");
    lotteryStatus = true;
function draw() external onlyManager {
    require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is not running");
        _membersCounters.length >= membersLimit,
        "LotteryClubToken: Not enough members"
    require(IERC20(rewardAddress).balanceOf(address(this)) >= reward, "LotteryClubToken: Not enough reward");
    lotteryStatus = false;
    winer = _membersCounters[_getRandomNumber() % _membersCounters.length];
    IERC20(rewardAddress).transfer(winer, reward);
    emit Winer(winer, address(this));

Next is the register function which will be used by prospective members to register into the club. This function can only be accessed when lotteryStatus is true and also when the number of members has not reached membersLimit.

function register() external {
    require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubToken: Lottery is not running");
        _membersCounters.length < membersLimit,
        "LotteryClubToken: Members limit reached"
        _userDeposit[msg.sender] == 0,
        "LotteryClubToken: You are already registered"
    IERC20(rewardAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), deposit);
    _userDeposit[msg.sender] = deposit;

Next we will discuss the private functions contained in the LotteryClubToken contract. The first is the _updateReward function which will be used to update the value of reward and also _managerFee when the value of deposit and membersLimit changes.

function _updateReward() private {
    uint256 baseReward = deposit.mul(membersLimit);
    _managerFee = baseReward.mul(FEE_PERCENT).div(100);
    reward = baseReward.sub(_managerFee);
    emit RewardUpdate(reward, deposit, membersLimit, address(this));

Next is the _reset function which will be used to reset the values of several variables when the lottery starts.

function _reset() private {
    winer = address(0);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersCounters.length; i++) {
        _userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]] = 0;
    _membersCounters = new address[](0);

The last one is the _getRandomNumber function which will be used to generate random numbers which will be used to determine the winner of the lottery. This random number is obtained by calling the random function in the Celo Randomness contract.

function _getRandomNumber() private view returns (uint256) {
    return uint256(RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS.random());

LotteryClubNFT Contract

Next, create a new file named LotteryClubNFT.sol in the contracts folder. This contract will use the NFT as a prize from the lottery. The structure of this contract is almost the same as the LotteryClubToken contract we discussed earlier. To keep things short, we’ll jump right into some of the changes we need to make. Following is the structure of the LotteryClubNFT contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "./interface/IRandom.sol";

contract LotteryClubNFT {
    string public name;
    uint256 public reward;
    uint256 public deposit;
    uint256 public membersLimit;

    address public rewardAddress;
    address public winer;
    address public manager;
    address public factory;
    address[] private _membersCounters;

    bool public lotteryStatus = false;

    IRandom private constant RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS =

    mapping(address => uint256) private _userDeposit;

    modifier onlyManager() {
            msg.sender == manager,
            "LotteryClubToken: Only manager can call this function"

    event RewardUpdate(address indexed rewardAddress_, uint256 reward_, address club_);
    event LimitAndDepoUpdate(uint256 update_, string name_, address club_);
    event Winer(address indexed winer_, address club_);

    constructor() {
        factory = msg.sender;
        winer = address(0);

    function initialize(
        string calldata _name,
        uint256 _deposit,
        uint256 _membersLimit,
        address _manager
    ) external {
            msg.sender == factory,
            "LotteryClubNFT: Only factory can call this function"
        name = _name;
        deposit = _deposit;
        membersLimit = _membersLimit;
        manager = _manager;

    function setMembersLimit(uint256 _membersLimit) external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is already started");
            _membersLimit > 0,
            "LotteryClubNFT: Members limit must be greater than 0"
        membersLimit = _membersLimit;
        emit LimitAndDepoUpdate(_membersLimit, "membersLimit", address(this));

    function setDeposit(uint256 _deposit) external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is already started");
        require(_deposit > 0, "LotteryClubNFT: Deposit must be greater than 0");
        deposit = _deposit;
        emit LimitAndDepoUpdate(_deposit, "deposit", address(this));

    function claimFee() external onlyManager {
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is already started");
        require(address(this).balance > 0, "LotteryClubNFT: No balance");
        (bool status, ) = msg.sender.call{value: address(this).balance}("");
        require(status, "LotteryClubNFT: Transfer failed");

    function start(address _rewardAddress, uint256 _tokenId) external onlyManager {
        require(_rewardAddress != address(0), "LotteryClubNFT: Reward address is zero");
        require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is already started");
        require(rewardAddress == address(0), "LotteryClubNFT: Reward already set");
        IERC721(_rewardAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);
        rewardAddress = _rewardAddress;
        reward = _tokenId;
        lotteryStatus = true;
        emit RewardUpdate(_rewardAddress, _tokenId, address(this));

    function draw() external onlyManager {
        require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is not started");
            _membersCounters.length >= membersLimit,
            "LotteryClubNFT: Not enough members"
        lotteryStatus = false;
        winer = _membersCounters[_getRandomNumber() % _membersCounters.length];
        _userDeposit[winer] = 0;
        IERC721(rewardAddress).transferFrom(address(this), winer, reward);
        emit Winer(winer, address(this));

    function register() external payable {
        require(lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is not started");
            msg.value == deposit,
            "LotteryClubNFT: Deposit amount is not correct"
            _membersCounters.length < membersLimit,
            "LotteryClubNFT: Members limit reached"
            _userDeposit[msg.sender] == 0,
            "LotteryClubNFT: You are already registered"
        _userDeposit[msg.sender] = msg.value;

    function _batchTransfer() private {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersCounters.length; i++) {
            if (_userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]] > 0) {
                (bool status, ) = _membersCounters[i].call{
                    value: _userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]]

    function _reset() private {
        winer = address(0);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersCounters.length; i++) {
            _userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]] = 0;
        _membersCounters = new address[](0);

    function _getRandomNumber() private view returns (uint256) {
        return uint256(RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS.random());

First we will change the IERC20 library to IERC721 because we will use the NFT as a prize from the lottery.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "./interface/IRandom.sol";

Next we will make changes to existing events. In this contract there is a RewardUpdate event which will log when the reward has been set when the lottery starts, and there is a LimitAndDepoUpdate event which will log when the deposit and member limits change.

event RewardUpdate(address indexed rewardAddress_, uint256 reward_, address club_);
event LimitAndDepoUpdate(uint256 update_, string name_, address club_);
event Winer(address indexed winer_, address club_);

Next we make changes to the parameters required by the initialize function

function initialize(
    string calldata _name,
    uint256 _deposit,
    uint256 _membersLimit,
    address _manager
) external {
        msg.sender == factory,
        "LotteryClubNFT: Only factory can call this function"
    name = _name;
    deposit = _deposit;
    membersLimit = _membersLimit;
    manager = _manager;

The start function will also undergo changes, because we will use the NFT as a reward, so we need to change the start function so that it can accept the NFT parameter to be used as a reward. We will add the _rewardAddress and _tokenId parameters to the start function and change the start function to something like the following.

function start(address _rewardAddress, uint256 _tokenId) external onlyManager {
    require(_rewardAddress != address(0), "LotteryClubNFT: Reward address is zero");
    require(!lotteryStatus, "LotteryClubNFT: Lottery is already started");
    require(rewardAddress == address(0), "LotteryClubNFT: Reward already set");
    IERC721(_rewardAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);
    rewardAddress = _rewardAddress;
    reward = _tokenId;
    lotteryStatus = true;
    emit RewardUpdate(_rewardAddress, _tokenId, address(this));

Lastly, we will add the _batchTransfer function which will send back the deposit that was deposited by the non-winning member to each member.

function _batchTransfer() private {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersCounters.length; i++) {
        if (_userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]] > 0) {
            (bool status, ) = _membersCounters[i].call{
                value: _userDeposit[_membersCounters[i]]

LotteryClubFactory Contract

The last contract we will create is the LotteryClubFactory which will be used to create the LotteryClubNFT and LotteryClubToken contracts. Previously, we created an interface contract from the two contracts we previously created. We will create the ILotteryClubNFT and ILotteryClubToken interfaces which will be used to access the initialize function in the LotteryClubNFT and LotteryClubToken contracts.

Create IlotteryClubNFT.sol and IlotteryClubToken.sol files in the contracts/interface folder and fill them with the following code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

interface ILotteryClubNFT {
    function initialize(
        string calldata name_,
        uint256 deposit_,
        uint256 membersLimit_,
        address manager_
    ) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

interface ILotteryClubToken {
    function initialize(
        string calldata name_,
        uint256 reward_,
        uint256 deposit_,
        uint256 membersLimit_,
        uint256 managerFee,
        address rewardAddress_,
        address manager_
    ) external;

After creating the interfaces for our two previously created contracts, our next step is to develop the LotteryClubFactory contract. This contract will serve as the tool to generate both the LotteryClubNFT and LotteryClubToken contracts. To begin, navigate to the contracts folder and create a new file named LotteryClubFactory.sol. Fill this file with the following code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./LotteryClubToken.sol";
import "./LotteryClubNFT.sol";
import "./interface/ILotteryClubToken.sol";
import "./interface/ILotteryClubNFT.sol";

contract LotteryClubFactory {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    bytes32 public constant TOKEN_TYPEHASH =
    bytes32 public constant NFT_TYPEHASH =

    mapping(address => bool) private _clubStatus;

    event NewClub(
        address indexed club,
        string name,
        uint256 deposit,
        uint256 membersLimit,
        uint256 reward,
        address rewardAddress,
        address manager,
        bytes32 typeHash

    function clubToken(
        string calldata name_,
        uint256 deposit_,
        uint256 membersLimit_,
        address rewardAddress_
    ) external {
            deposit_ > 0,
            "LotteryClubFactory: Deposit must be greater than 0"
            membersLimit_ > 0,
            "LotteryClubFactory: Members limit must be greater than 0"
            rewardAddress_ != address(0),
            "LotteryClubFactory: Reward address must be not zero address"
        (uint256 reward_, uint256 managerFee_) = _calculateFee(
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(
            "LotteryClubFactory: Club already exists"
        LotteryClubToken club = (new LotteryClubToken){salt: salt}();
        _clubStatus[address(club)] = true;
        emit NewClub(

    function clubNFT(
        string calldata _name,
        uint256 _deposit,
        uint256 _membersLimit
    ) external {
            _deposit > 0,
            "LotteryClubFactory: Deposit must be greater than 0"
            _membersLimit > 0,
            "LotteryClubFactory: Members limit must be greater than 0"
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(
            abi.encodePacked(_name, _deposit, _membersLimit, msg.sender)
            "LotteryClubFactory: Club already exists"
        LotteryClubNFT club = (new LotteryClubNFT){salt: salt}();
        _clubStatus[address(club)] = true;
        emit NewClub(

    function _calculateFee(uint256 deposit_, uint256 membersLimit_)
        returns (uint256 reward_, uint256 managerFee_)
        uint256 baseReward = deposit_.mul(membersLimit_);
        managerFee_ = baseReward.mul(2).div(100);
        reward_ = baseReward.sub(managerFee_);

    function _checkAddress(bytes32 salt_) private view returns (bool) {
        address predictAddress = address(
        return _clubStatus[predictAddress];

Let’s go through the steps for the above code.

To begin, we must define the license and solidity version we will use, as well as import any necessary libraries and interfaces, as we did in the previous two contracts.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./LotteryClubToken.sol";
import "./LotteryClubNFT.sol";
import "./interface/ILotteryClubToken.sol";
import "./interface/ILotteryClubNFT.sol";

contract LotteryClubFactory {
    // Code goes here...

Next, we will define the variables that we will use. The TOKEN_TYPEHASH and NFT_TYPEHASH variables will indicate whether the contract created is a LotteryClubToken or LotteryClubNFT contract, respectively. The _clubStatus variable will indicate whether an address has been used to create a contract or not.

using SafeMath for uint256;

bytes32 public constant TOKEN_TYPEHASH =
bytes32 public constant NFT_TYPEHASH =

mapping(address => bool) private _clubStatus;

Next we will define an event i.e. NewClub this event to log when a new contract is created.

event NewClub(
    address indexed club,
    string name,
    uint256 deposit,
    uint256 membersLimit,
    uint256 reward,
    address rewardAddress,
    address manager,
    bytes32 typeHash

In the next section, we will discuss the two main functions of the factory contract, namely clubToken and clubNFT. The clubToken function is used to create a LotteryClubToken contract, while the clubNFT function is used to create a LotteryClubNFT contract.

function clubToken(
    string calldata name_,
    uint256 deposit_,
    uint256 membersLimit_,
    address rewardAddress_
) external {
        deposit_ > 0,
        "LotteryClubFactory: Deposit must be greater than 0"
        membersLimit_ > 0,
        "LotteryClubFactory: Members limit must be greater than 0"
        rewardAddress_ != address(0),
        "LotteryClubFactory: Reward address must be not zero address"
    (uint256 reward_, uint256 managerFee_) = _calculateFee(
    bytes32 salt = keccak256(
        "LotteryClubFactory: Club already exists"
    LotteryClubToken club = (new LotteryClubToken){salt: salt}();
    _clubStatus[address(club)] = true;
    emit NewClub(
function clubNFT(
    string calldata _name,
    uint256 _deposit,
    uint256 _membersLimit
) external {
        _deposit > 0,
        "LotteryClubFactory: Deposit must be greater than 0"
        _membersLimit > 0,
        "LotteryClubFactory: Members limit must be greater than 0"
    bytes32 salt = keccak256(
        abi.encodePacked(_name, _deposit, _membersLimit, msg.sender)
        "LotteryClubFactory: Club already exists"
    LotteryClubNFT club = (new LotteryClubNFT){salt: salt}();
    _clubStatus[address(club)] = true;
    emit NewClub(

Finally, we will make the function private. Within LotteryClubFactory, there exist two private functions: _calculateFee and _checkAddress. The _calculateFee function calculates the reward and manager fee that the manager receives when creating a LotteryClubToken contract. Meanwhile, the _checkAddress function verifies if an address has been previously used to create a contract.

function _calculateFee(uint256 deposit_, uint256 membersLimit_)
    returns (uint256 reward_, uint256 managerFee_)
    uint256 baseReward = deposit_.mul(membersLimit_);
    managerFee_ = baseReward.mul(2).div(100);
    reward_ = baseReward.sub(managerFee_);
function _checkAddress(bytes32 salt_) private view returns (bool) {
    address predictAddress = address(
    return _clubStatus[predictAddress];

Deploying the Smart Contract

After we finish creating the contracts we need, then we need to prepare a script to deploy the contracts. In this tutorial, LotteryClubToken and LotteryClubNFT contracts can only be deployed by LotteryClubFactory contracts, for that we only need to create a script to deploy for LotteryClubFactory. Create a new file named deploy.js in the scripts folder and fill it with the following code.

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
  console.log("Deploy Contract");

  const contract = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("LotteryClubFactory");
  const factory = await contract.deploy();
  await factory.deployed();

  const contracts = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("NFT");
  const nft = await contracts.deploy();
  await nft.deployed();

  console.log("Factory Address : ", factory.address);
  console.log("NFT Address     : ", nft.address);

main().catch((error) => {
  process.exitCode = 1;

Next we need to execute the deploy.js file by running the following command.

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network alfajores

If the deployment process is successful, the following output will appear.

Save the LotteryClubFactory address we got from the output above, we will need it for simulating and verifying contracts.


After deploying the LotteryClubFactory contract, we will simulate and obtain the temporary contract addresses of LotteryClubToken and LotteryClubNFT for later verification. To conduct the simulation, we need to request ERC20 Token and ERC721 Token for simulation materials.

Request Faucet

For Faucets, you can claim from the following links Faucet Token and Faucet NFT. For the steps, you can follow the tutorial below.

  1. Open one of the Faucet links above

  2. Select the Write Contract page tab

  1. Click the ‘Connect Wallet’ button and select the wallet that will be used to claim the faucet then when connected click the ‘faucet’ button

LotteryClubToken Simulation

To perform a simulation for the Lottery Club Token contract create a new file named simulation_token.js in the scripts folder and fill it with the following code.

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function setup(token) {
  console.log("Setting up...");
  const accounts = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
  const amount = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("2");

  for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
    console.log("Transfer to: ", accounts[i].address);
    const tx = await token
      .transfer(accounts[i].address, amount);
    await tx.wait();

  return accounts;

async function simulation(accountList, token, factory) {
  console.log("Start simulation");
  manager = accountList[1];
  deposit = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("0.5");

  console.log("Create new club");
  const txCreate = await factory
    .clubToken("Final Test Token", deposit, 8, token.address);
  const receiptCreate = await txCreate.wait();
  const clubAddress = receiptCreate.events[0].args[0];
  const club = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("LotteryClubToken", clubAddress);

  console.log("Start and register members");
  const txStart = await club.connect(manager).start();
  await txStart.wait();

  for (let i = 2; i <= 9; i++) {
    console.log("Member register: ", accountList[i].address);
    const txApprove = await token
      .approve(club.address, deposit);
    await txApprove.wait();

    const txRegister = await club.connect(accountList[i]).register();
    await txRegister.wait();

  console.log("Draw lottery");
  const txDraw = await club.connect(manager).draw();
  const receiptDraw = await txDraw.wait();
  const winner = receiptDraw.events[1].args[0];

  console.log("Manager claim fee");
  const txClaimFee = await club.connect(manager).claimFee();
  await txClaimFee.wait();

  console.log("Manager update members limit & deposit");
  const txSetDeposit = await club
  await txSetDeposit.wait();

  const txSetLimit = await club.connect(manager).setMembersLimit(5);
  await txSetLimit.wait();

  console.log("Factory Address:     ", factory.address);
  console.log("Manager Address:     ", manager.address);
  console.log("Club Address   :     ", club.address);
  console.log("Winer Address  :     ", winner);

async function main() {
  const token = await hre.ethers.getContractAt(
  const factory = await hre.ethers.getContractAt(
  const accountList = await setup(token);
  await simulation(accountList, token, factory);

main().catch((error) => {
  process.exitCode = 1;

The code above simulates the LotteryClubToken contract by transferring tokens to multiple accounts. We create a club named Final Test Token and deposit 0.5 tokens into it. Next, we register eight club members and conduct a raffle to determine a winner. Before running the simulation, we need to replace <FACTORY_ADDRESS> with the LotteryClubFactory address obtained from the previous deployment process.

Finally, we execute the simulation_token.js file by running the following command.

npx hardhat run scripts/simulation_token.js --network alfajores

If the simulation process is successful, the following output will appear.

From the output above we can see the Lottery Club Token address that we need to verify. Save this address to use in the verification process.

LotteryClubNFT Simulation

To simulate for the Lottery Club NFT contract create a new file named simulation_nft.js in the scripts folder and fill it with the following code.

const hre = require("hardhat");

async function setup(){
    console.log("Setting up account");
    const accountList = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
    for(let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
        console.log("Transfer to : ", accountList[i].address);
        let tx = {
            to: accountList[i].address,
            value: hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("2")
        let txTransfer = await accountList[0].sendTransaction(tx);
        await txTransfer.wait();
    return accountList

async function simulation(accountList, nft, factory) {
    console.log("Start simulation");
    const manager = accountList[1];
    const deposit = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("1");

    console.log("Create new club");
    const txFaucet = await nft.connect(manager).faucet();
    await txFaucet.wait();
    const tokenId = <TOKEN_ID>

    const txCreate = await factory.connect(manager).clubNFT(
        "Finals Test",
    const receiptCreate = await txCreate.wait();
    const clubAddress = receiptCreate.events[0].args[0];
    const club = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("LotteryClubNFT", clubAddress);

    console.log("Start lottery and register members");
    const txApprove = await nft.connect(manager).approve(club.address, tokenId);
    await txApprove.wait();

    const txStart = await club.connect(manager).start(nft.address, tokenId);
    await txStart.wait();

    for(let i = 2; i <= 9; i++) {
        console.log("Member register: ", accountList[i].address);
        const txRegister = await club.connect(accountList[i]).register({value:deposit});
        await txRegister.wait();

    console.log("Draw lottery")
    const txDraw = await club.connect(manager).draw();
    const receiptDraw = await txDraw.wait();
    const winner = receiptDraw.events[1].args[1];

    console.log("Manager claim fee");;
    const txClaimFee = await club.connect(manager).claimFee();
    await txClaimFee.wait();

    console.log("Update member limit & deposit");
    const txMembersLimit = await club.connect(manager).setMembersLimit(6);
    await txMembersLimit.wait();

    const txDeposit = await club.connect(manager).setDeposit(hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("0.5"));
    await txDeposit.wait();

    console.log("Factory Address:     ", factory.address);
    console.log("Manager Address:     ", manager.address);
    console.log("Club Address   :     ", club.address);
    console.log("Winer Address  :     ", winner);

async function main(){
    nft = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("NFT", "0x1F8dC9a3091BC976c151eeEf4424927360579b14");
    factory = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("LotteryClubFactory", "<FACTORY_ADDRESS>");
    const accountList = await setup();
    await simulation(accountList, nft, factory);

main().catch((error) => {
    process.exitCode = 1;

The code above simulates the LotteryClubNFT contract by transferring tokens to multiple accounts. Then, we create a club named Final Test NFT and deposit 1 token. After that, we register 8 club members and conduct a raffle to determine a winner. Before running the simulation, we must replace <FACTORY_ADDRESS> with the LotteryClubFactory address obtained from the previous deployment process and <TOKEN_ID> with the ID of the token received earlier through the faucet process.

Next we need to execute the simulation_nft.js file by running the following command.

npx hardhat run scripts/simulation_nft.js --network alfajores

If the simulation process is successful, the following output will appear.

After reviewing the output above, we can identify the address for the Lottery Club NFT that requires verification. Kindly save this address to be used during the verification process.

Contract Verification

We will now proceed with verifying the contract we have created. This verification process will facilitate debugging of the contract and enable seamless integration with subgraphs.

  1. Open source and click the Verify Contract button as shown below.

  1. To verify the data, we will need the metadata.json file which can be found in the /artifacts/build-info folder. Simply drag and drop the file onto the verification page, as demonstrated below.

  1. After the metadata.json file is uploaded, a verification page will appear as shown below.

  1. On the verification page, in the contracts section, we need to select the contract that we will verify. In this case, we will select the LotteryClubFactory, LotteryClubToken, and LotteryClubNFT contracts as shown below.

  1. To complete the verification process, we must provide all the necessary information.

If the verification process is successful, it will be like the image below


To verify the LotteryClubFactory, LotteryClubToken, and LotteryClubNFT contracts, follow the steps above using the temporary contract address obtained during deployment for LotteryClubFactory. For LotteryClubToken and LotteryClubNFT, use the contract addresses obtained from the simulation.

Note: Be sure to change Club Name if running the simulation more than once.

Integration with Subgraphs

Create the Graph project

If you want to begin integrating with subgraphs, you can visit The Graph Hosted Service. First, click on Sign In with your Github account. Then, navigate to My Dashboard and select Add Subgraph to get started.

To create a subgraph, we need to specify its name, subtitle, and description. Once we have entered this information, we can click on the Create Subgraph button.

Initialize new subgraph with Graph CLI

Next, install the Graph CLI:

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli

# or

yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Once the Graph CLI has been installed, the next step is to initialize a new subgraph using the Graph CLI. To do this, execute the following command.

graph init --product hosted-service <GITHUB_USER>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>

Then we need to fill in some data as follows.

✔ Protocol : ethereum
✔ Subgraph name : <GITHUB_USER>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>
✔ Directory to create the subgraph in : lotteryclub (Or as you wish)
✔ Ethereum network : celo-alfajores
✔ Contract address : factory address contract
✔ ABI file (path) : factory abi contract
✔ Start Block : 0 (Or as you wish)
✔ Contract Name : Factory
✔ Index contract events as entities (Y/n) · true

Before proceeding to the next stage, we need to copy the three ABI files from the contract we created. We can obtain the ABI files from the /artifacts/contracts folder and then transfer them to the /lotteryclub/abis folder that the Graph CLI generated.

Define Schema

Next, we need to define the GraphQL schema that we will use for the subgraphs. The GraphQL schema is a data structure used to define the data we will use in the subgraph. To define the GraphQL schema, we need to edit the schema.graphql file located in the /lotteryclub folder.

o query the contracts we have created, we need to define the entities and fields that we will use. For this case, we will define the entities Manager, Winers, and Club with the required fields.

type Manager @entity {
  id: ID!
  blockNumber: BigInt!
  timestamp: BigInt!
  club: [Club!]!

type Winers @entity {
  id: ID!
  address: Bytes!
  club: Club!
  timestamp: BigInt!
  blockNumber: BigInt!

type Club @entity {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  reward: BigInt!
  deposit: BigInt!
  membersLimit: BigInt!
  rewardAddress: Bytes!
  manager: Manager!
  type: String!
  createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
  createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
  winer: [Winers!]! @derivedFrom(field: "club")

Configure subgraphs with entities and mappings

To configure the subgraph.yaml file, we first need to modify the dataSources.mapping.entities section by adding the Club and Manager entities.

  - Club
  - Manager

The entire subgraph.yaml file will look like this.

specVersion: 0.0.4
  file: ./schema.graphql
  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: Factory
    network: celo-alfajores
      address: "0x7d92b85cbEE92E3aA83586151Aeec8Fb75192247"
      abi: Factory
      startBlock: 16681857
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
        - Club
        - Manager
        - name: Factory
          file: ./abis/Factory.json
        - event: NewClub(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes32)
          handler: handleNewClub
      file: ./src/mapping.ts

Added additional contracts

This tutorial utilizes the factory contract pattern, which enables a single contract to create and handle other contracts. To access the contracts we have established, we must include the LotteryClubToken and LotteryClubNFT contracts in the subgraph.yaml file.

  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: ClubToken
    network: celo-alfajores
      abi: clubToken
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
        - Club
        - Manager
        - Winer
        - name: clubToken
          file: ./abis/ClubToken.json
        - event: RewardUpdate(uint256,uint256,uint256,address)
          handler: handleRewardUpdateToken
        - event: Winer(indexed address,address)
          handler: handleWinerToken
  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: ClubNFT
    network: celo-alfajores
      abi: clubNFT
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
        - Club
        - Manager
        - Winer
        - name: clubNFT
          file: ./abis/ClubNFT.json
        - event: RewardUpdate(indexed address,uint256,address)
          handler: handleNFTReward
        - event: LimitAndDepoUpdate(uint256,string,address)
          handler: handleLimitDepoNFTUpdate
        - event: Winer(indexed address,address)
          handler: handleWinerNFT

So the whole subgraph.yaml file will be like this.

specVersion: 0.0.4
  file: ./schema.graphql
  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: Factory
    network: celo-alfajores
      address: "0x7d92b85cbEE92E3aA83586151Aeec8Fb75192247"
      abi: Factory
      startBlock: 16681857
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
        - Club
        - Manager
        - name: Factory
          file: ./abis/Factory.json
        - event: NewClub(indexed address,string,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes32)
          handler: handleNewClub
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: ClubToken
    network: celo-alfajores
      abi: clubToken
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
        - Club
        - Manager
        - Winer
        - name: clubToken
          file: ./abis/ClubToken.json
        - event: RewardUpdate(uint256,uint256,uint256,address)
          handler: handleRewardUpdateToken
        - event: Winer(indexed address,address)
          handler: handleWinerToken
  - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: ClubNFT
    network: celo-alfajores
      abi: clubNFT
      kind: ethereum/events
      apiVersion: 0.0.6
      language: wasm/assemblyscript
      file: ./src/mapping.ts
        - Club
        - Manager
        - Winer
        - name: clubNFT
          file: ./abis/ClubNFT.json
        - event: RewardUpdate(indexed address,uint256,address)
          handler: handleNFTReward
        - event: LimitAndDepoUpdate(uint256,string,address)
          handler: handleLimitDepoNFTUpdate
        - event: Winer(indexed address,address)
          handler: handleWinerNFT

Code generation

After configuring the subgraph.yaml file and creating the Graph schema, we need to generate code to create an assemblyscript that will map the events occurring on the blockchain. To achieve this, run the following command on the terminal.

graph codegen

Next, open src/mappings.ts to write the mappings we defined in our eventHandlers subgraph. Here is the code that we will use to map the events that occur on the blockchain.

import { Club, Manager, Winers } from "../generated/schema";
import { NewClub } from "../generated/Factory/Factory";
import {
  RewardUpdate as RewardNFT,
  Winer as WinerNFT,
} from "../generated/templates/ClubNFT/ClubNFT";
import {
  RewardUpdate as RewardToken,
  Winer as WinerToken,
} from "../generated/templates/ClubToken/ClubToken";
import { ClubNFT, ClubToken } from "../generated/templates";

export function handleNewClub(event: NewClub): void {
  let managerId = event.params.manager.toHexString();

  let manager = Manager.load(managerId);
  if (manager === null) {
    manager = new Manager(managerId);
    manager.blockNumber = event.block.number;
    manager.timestamp = event.block.timestamp;
    manager.club = [];
  let clubList = manager.club;
  let club = new Club(event.params.club.toHexString());
  club.name = event.params.name;
  club.reward = event.params.reward;
  club.deposit = event.params.deposit;
  club.membersLimit = event.params.membersLimit;
  club.rewardAddress = event.params.rewardAddress;
  club.manager = managerId;

  if (
    event.params.typeHash.toHexString() ==
  ) {
    club.type = "TOKEN";
  } else {
    club.type = "NFT";
  club.createdAtTimestamp = event.block.timestamp;
  club.createdAtBlockNumber = event.block.number;
  manager.club = clubList;

export function handleWinerToken(event: WinerToken): void {
  let winerId =
    event.transaction.hash.toHexString() + "-" + event.logIndex.toString();
  let winer = new Winers(winerId);
  winer.address = event.params.winer_;
  winer.timestamp = event.block.timestamp;
  winer.blockNumber = event.block.number;

  let club = Club.load(event.params.club.toHexString());
  winer.club = club!.id;

export function handleWinerNFT(event: WinerNFT): void {
  let winerId =
    event.transaction.hash.toHexString() + "-" + event.logIndex.toString();
  let winer = new Winers(winerId);
  winer.address = event.params.winer_;
  winer.timestamp = event.block.timestamp;
  winer.blockNumber = event.block.number;

  let club = Club.load(event.params.club_.toHexString());
  winer.club = club!.id;

export function handleRewardUpdateToken(event: RewardToken): void {
  let club = Club.load(event.params.club.toHexString());
  club!.reward = event.params.reward_;
  club!.deposit = event.params.deposit_;
  club!.membersLimit = event.params.membersLimit_;

export function handleNFTReward(event: RewardNFT): void {
  let club = Club.load(event.params.club_.toHexString());
  club!.reward = event.params.reward_;
  club!.rewardAddress = event.params.rewardAddress_;

export function handleLimitDepoNFTUpdate(event: LimitAndDepoUpdate): void {
  let club = Club.load(event.params.club_.toHexString());
  if (event.params.name_ == "membersLimit") {
    club!.membersLimit = event.params.update_;
  } else {
    club!.deposit = event.params.update_;

Build and Deploy

Once we have completed the code generation process, our next step is to build and deploy the subgraphs. To accomplish this, we can execute the following command in the terminal.

# Build
graph build

# Deploy
graph deploy --product hosted-service <GITHUB_USER>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>

After deployment, we can access our subgraphs on the dashboard page and test our queries.


In this tutorial, we have explored two blockchain technologies that can be used to create more transparent and trustworthy applications. Firstly, we learned about the Celo Randomness Contract that enables us to generate safe and fair random numbers on the Celo blockchain. This technology is particularly useful for creating lottery games and other applications that require random numbers.

Next, we delved into Subgraph, a protocol that simplifies creating interactive views and executing queries on the blockchain. With Subgraph, we can design applications that are more interactive and transparent, giving users a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of transactions and activities on the blockchain.

By combining the Celo Randomness Contract and Subgraph, we can develop blockchain applications that are more transparent, fair, and trustworthy, and offer real-time and more interactive data views. By mastering this technology, we can create safer and more sophisticated blockchain applications that users can trust. For all the code in this tutorial, you can get it via a GitHub repository.

Next Step

Once you understand how the Celo Randomness Contract and Subgraph work, you can develop more sophisticated applications using these two technologies. To learn more about them, visit the Celo Randomness Contract and Subgraph.

About the Author

I am a blockchain and crypto enthusiast. I am also a software engineer. I love to learn new things and share my knowledge with others. You can find me on GitHub and LinkedIn.


I love this tutorial @yafiabiyyu

Been looking for a tutorial that serves this purpose. Glad to find this. I gained doubled portion of knowledge here. Firstly, on the on-chain randomness and secondly on the subgraph. I wish you concentrate more on explaining the subgraph than the smart contract code.


Deeply intensive tutorial, which I wouldn’t overemphasized the knowledge I grasp from this. I would love to see more of your works.