Pathway: Split-payment dapp using celo contractkits : A path in Complete dapp development bootcamp on Celo: move from beginner to advance level with step by step guides

To cast your vote visit the proposal at Pathway: Complete dapp development bootcamp on Celo: move from beginner to advance level with step by step guides .

This is a path in the complete dapp development BootCamp on Celo

What you will learn

  • Build a split-payment dapp deployed on Celo.
  • Test skills you’ve acquired in the previous chapter.


  • Solidity
  • Foundry/Hardhat/Remix/ChainIDE
  • Celo contractkits
  • MaterialUI

Hey @bobelr You’ve got the wrong tags for your proposed pathways,
It’s either that or you mean to pitch tutorials rather than pathways .

And for pitching a pathway you don’t need to vote, all you need is intensive research to have a cumulative sum of your pathway topics and work on editing them step by step, then create your pathway here outrightly…

Pathways do not need votes to fly, Just approval to remain valid right @joenyzio

Its pathways. But I decided to place each path in the proposal section for full reference. Do you think I should not us the proposal section for each of the paths?


Yes you’re right. I’ll remove my votes. I also do not require the community votes on each of the pathways. This is more reason I included the link to the main pathway proposal in each of the paths. You can see I use a drective linked to the main post. Thanks @Phenzic


Actually considering pathways are not topics to write on, I don’t think they require pitching or voting, As long as you have a solid pathway Idea, you can go ahead and create it on the Pathway list, It still has the vote counts even with the pathway tag… :clinking_glasses:

That sounds brilliant. I’ll change the tags to pathway. Thanks