Tutorial Review Guidelines: Standards for Evaluating Completed Tutorials in Celo Developer Community


To ensure the quality and usefulness of tutorials proposed and completed in our community, we have established a set of standards for the review process. These guidelines are designed to maintain consistency, verify the tutorial’s relevancy, and ensure it adheres to the proposal guidelines while adding substantial value to the Celo Developer community.

Review Standards

  1. Title & Objective Evaluation: Ensure the title is clear, concise, and descriptive. It should align with the tutorial’s objective and provide an accurate representation of the content.
  2. Description Review: The overview should give a comprehensive, ~100-word summary of the tutorial’s aim, the tech stack involved, and the benefits to the reader. It should set the right expectation for the reader.
  3. Celo-specific & Developer-centric: The tutorial should specifically focus on Celo and its developer tools and aim to assist developers in building unique and interesting dApps on Celo.
  4. Advanced & Code-driven: The tutorial should target intermediate to advanced topics and include actionable steps leading to the development of a smart contract or full-stack application deployed on the Celo Network.
  5. GitHub Repository Verification: The tutorial should include an accessible GitHub repository for readers to follow along or reference the code.
  6. Language & Style: The tutorial should be written in clear, understandable language, free of jargon. Any technical terms should be properly defined.
  7. Accuracy & Detail: The tutorial should provide correct and precise information. Each step should be elaborated in detail, guiding the reader smoothly from one point to another resulting in a post of at least ~1000 words or more (not including code).
  8. Illustrations & Screenshots: The tutorial should include relevant illustrations and screenshots to guide the reader visually. This is particularly important for code snippets and the depiction of UI elements.
  9. Problem-Solving: The tutorial should address and resolve common challenges or errors a developer may encounter during the process.
  10. Uniqueness & Relevance: Ensure the content is unique and hasn’t been covered elsewhere. It should add significant value to the community and be timely and relevant to current development practices.

Topics to Verify

Make sure the tutorial avoids:

  • Conceptual topics without actual code or dApp examples.
  • Any form of investment or financial advice.
  • Subjects already addressed in other tutorials within or outside the Celo Ecosystem.

Testing Tutorial Steps

Test the tutorial step-by-step to verify:

  • All instructions work as described.
  • Code snippets are correct and functional.
  • The final product works as intended.

Feedback and Notes

Provide constructive feedback, highlighting the strengths of the tutorial, and areas of improvement. If the tutorial does not meet the guidelines, describe the reason it was not accepted, with reference to this post for clarification.

Remember, the goal is to ensure each tutorial provides a comprehensive learning experience for our community, helping developers build on Celo effectively.

If you have questions or need further clarification, please drop your comments in the Celo Discord #celo-sage channel.

We appreciate your commitment to maintaining the quality of content in our community.

Happy Reviewing!

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