Using Create2 to Compute Deployment Addresses for Smart Contracts on Celo

The tutorial will explore how to use create2 to compute the deployment address for a contract. Create2 allows developers to determine the deployment address of a contract in advance, which can reduce gas fees and minimize the risk of address collisions.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use create2 to compute the deployment address of a contract, and how to use this address to deploy and interact with the contract on the Alfajores testnet. The learner will also learn about the different factors that affect the deployment address, and how to make sure that your contract is deployed at the correct address.

Things that learners will learn:

  • Understand the concept of create2 and how it works
  • Learn how to use create2 to compute the deployment address of a contract
  • Understand the factors that affect the deployment address of a contract
  • Learn how to deploy and interact with a contract using the deployment address computed with create2

Tech stack:
The tutorial will use Solidity, Hardhat, and JavaScript.

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