Welcome from the Philippines | Kuneco April 2021


Welcome to Kuneco, the community conference hosted by Cello. This tutorial provides a summary of the opening segment of Kuneco held in April 2021. The event took place in the Philippines, showcasing the vibrant NFT art community and addressing important topics such as climate change and innovation in the financial sector.

Opening Remarks and Purpose of Kuneco

  • The hosts, Luis and Angelo, greet the viewers from the Philippines, 12 hours ahead of the East Coast.
  • Kuneco aims to foster togetherness, inspire community participation, and strengthen the spirit of the Cello community.
  • The conference highlights how projects and communities are innovating on money with Cello, generating positive social and environmental impact.

NFT Art in the Philippines

  • Luis introduces the concept of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which combine crypto and art.
  • The Philippines has a vibrant NFT art community, and a video is shown to showcase some significant NFT artists in the country.

Connecting Mainnet Anniversary and Earth Day 2021

  • Angelo mentions that the current quarter’s Kuneco segment honors two important events.
  • It is the first year anniversary of the Cello community’s launch of Mainnet.
  • The next day is Earth Day 2021, emphasizing the importance of a regenerative approach to prosperity for all.
  • The Philippines, known for its natural wonders, has been experiencing the impacts of climate change.

Youth Strike for Climate Philippines

  • Jefferson Estella, co-founder of Youth Strike for Climate Philippines, joins the conference.
  • The organization aims to empower Filipino youth to take action against the climate crisis, inspired by the global movement Fridays for Future.
  • Youth Strike for Climate Philippines forms alliances with youth leaders, government organizations, and advocacy groups.
  • Jefferson emphasizes the need for the financial sector to phase out investments in coal, oil, and gas, as these contribute to climate change.
  • Innovating on money can involve supporting reduction in climate change risks, long-term investments in sustainability, and leveraging applications like GCash for Forest.


  • Jefferson’s ideas are commended, and support is extended from the Cello community to Youth Strike for Climate Philippines.
  • Viewers are encouraged to follow and support the organization on Facebook and Instagram.
  • The opening segment of Kuneco provided insights into the NFT art community in the Philippines and highlighted the importance of addressing climate change through financial innovation.