A Framework for Building Financial Inclusion Through Decentralization | Celo Connect EthCC Paris


In this tutorial, we will explore a framework for building financial equity through decentralization. The goal is to create new systems that address the underlying problems of the current financial system rather than simply allowing people to join an existing system. This tutorial will be a participatory discussion where we will workshop ideas related to this framework.

The Need for Change in Crypto

Crypto has had lofty goals since its inception, but it has struggled to live up to those intentions. This tutorial proposes a framework to hold ourselves accountable to these goals and discusses the rebranding of the movement to distinguish it from past shortcomings.

Evaluating Progress and Identifying Challenges

To assess how well we are doing in achieving our potential, participants are encouraged to assign a letter grade and provide feedback. Infrastructure and accurate data are highlighted as crucial factors for achieving equilibrium between traditional financial systems and decentralized finance (DeFi). The need for collaboration and integration, rather than competition, is emphasized.

Refining Goals and Identifying Problems

The crypto movement aims to solve various problems, including centralization leading to inequality, corruption, illegitimate data, broken systems with bad incentives, and negative impacts of capitalism. Refi (short for regenerative finance) is presented as a rebranding effort that helps contextualize and simplify the issues at hand.

Desired Outcomes and Goals

The framework aims to develop alternative economic systems that break away from the extractive nature of capitalism. It emphasizes building financial equity, empowering individuals, and decentralizing access to wealth and power.

Acknowledging Current Progress and Areas for Improvement

Participants express disappointment and highlight the need for demonstrable change in the structure and beneficiaries of blockchain-based systems. The transparency provided by blockchain has made existing problems more visible, but progress toward positive change has been limited. The focus should shift toward implementation, research, collaboration, and listening to existing social change movements.

The Refi Framework

The tutorial introduces a set of principles that encompass the refi framework. These principles include:

  1. Real Human Impact: Projects should have a tangible impact on real people’s lives, benefiting investors, traders, and users outside the crypto industry.
  2. Accessibility: Systems should be accessible to individuals without requiring extensive time, expertise, or capital. Consideration should be given to factors like mobile phone availability.
  3. Synergistic Potential: Projects should aim to create infrastructure that can be integrated with legacy systems and replicated across projects. The focus should be on building open-source protocols.
  4. Future-Proofing: Systems should be designed to adapt and remain relevant as new technologies and trends emerge.
  5. Alliances and Collaboration: The framework proposes the formation of alliances among projects that adhere to these principles to foster collaboration and discussion on implementation.


This tutorial highlights the importance of building new systems that address the problems of the current financial landscape through decentralization. It encourages participants to apply the refi framework and work towards achieving the outlined principles. By focusing on real human impact, accessibility, synergistic potential, future-proofing, and collaboration, the crypto space can progress towards creating financial equity and empowerment for all.