Celo Connect Founder Spotlight: Meet Dana Gibber of Flow Carbon

In this Founder’s Spotlight, we will introduce you to Dana Gibber, the co-founder and CEO of Flow Carbon. Flow Carbon is a company that focuses on creating fungible tokens backed by certified live carbon offset credits from the voluntary carbon market. This tutorial will provide an overview of Dana Gibber’s work at Flow Carbon and their relationship with the Climate Collective community.

Introduction to Flow Carbon

Flow Carbon aims to establish a liquid, transparent, and high-volume 24/7/365 carbon offset trading market. They achieve this by creating fungible tokens that are backed by certified live carbon offset credits. These tokens can be easily traded and provide a means for individuals and organizations to participate in the carbon offset market.

Dana Gibber: Co-founder and CEO of Flow Carbon

Dana Gibber is the co-founder and CEO of Flow Carbon. As the CEO, Dana plays a crucial role in leading the company and shaping its vision. With their expertise and passion for addressing climate change, Dana has been instrumental in driving the development and growth of Flow Carbon.

The Climate Collective and Flow Carbon

Flow Carbon has a deep relationship with the Climate Collective, an organization that has been an invaluable resource for them. The Climate Collective has not only provided support to Flow Carbon but has also been a tremendous source of connections and relationships. Being part of this vibrant community has had a profound impact on Flow Carbon’s journey.

Value of the Climate Collective

The Climate Collective has offered Flow Carbon more than just networking opportunities. The connections and relationships formed within this community have proven to be spiritually empowering for Dana and their team. The friendships and support systems cultivated through the Climate Collective have been incredibly impactful, providing encouragement and motivation along the way.


Dana Gibber, the co-founder and CEO of Flow Carbon, is dedicated to creating fungible tokens backed by certified live carbon offset credits. Through their leadership, Dana has been driving Flow Carbon’s mission to establish a liquid and transparent carbon offset trading market. The Climate Collective has been a significant support system for Flow Carbon, providing invaluable resources, connections, and relationships. Being part of this vibrant community has not only expanded their network but has also spiritually empowered Dana and their team. Flow Carbon continues to make strides in addressing climate change, thanks to the collaboration and support from organizations like the Climate Collective.