Educator Process


Welcome to the Celo Sage program! As a content creator in this initiative, you’ll play a crucial role in sharing valuable insights and information with the Celo community. This post will guide you through the process of getting started, from pitching your idea to submitting your content. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Share Your Idea

Begin by navigating to the improvement proposals, click + New Topic and provide a description and title for your idea. Be as detailed and specific as possible to help us understand the scope and potential impact of your idea. View the Proposal Guidelines for more information. Once proposed, your topic can be seen in either New Request or Todo in our Public Roadmap.

Step 2: Application Review and Reward Determination

Once you’ve submitted your idea, our team will review it within 1 week (generally on Thursdays of each week). We’ll get in touch via email or Discord to discuss its uniqueness and relevance to the Celo community. Once your idea is approved, it will be moved to Todo with a note that you can begin your work on the project.

Step 3: Create your Content

With your idea approved, it’s time to start crafting your content! Move your project card from Todo to In Progress when you begin work. Choose your preferred text editor and begin writing, ensuring you follow the Tutorial Structure and Contribution Guidelines provided by the Celo Sage program. This will help you create a well-organized and engaging piece for your audience.

Step 4: Content Submission

To submit your finished work, fork the Celo Docs repository at GitHub - celo-org/docs. Create a new branch, and within the blog directory, paste your article or tutorial into a new .md file. Make sure to name the file in the format “,” with the title in lowercase and separated by hyphens. Before creating your pull request (PR), review the PR guidelines to ensure a smooth submission process. Once you are ready, link your PR in the GitHub PR field of your card and move the card from In Progress to Review.

Step 5: The Review and Publication Process

Our review team will promptly review your content (48-72 hours) and provide feedback or suggest changes within the same PR. Once your content meets our guidelines, the Reviewer will move the card from Review to Publish. It will then be merged and published on the Celo Docs website, where it can be viewed by our community.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or concerns along the way, feel free to consult the [contributor category](Contributor Corner - Celo Academy], join the Celo Sage Discussions or reach out in the Celo Sage chat in Discord at #celo-sage. We’re here to support you as you contribute your expertise to the Celo community. Happy writing!


I tried opening the form it says I need permission, I’m hoping it’s just me but either way we’ll need to check this out for anyone filling the form


We’ll also need to edit this link to the right source, It’s currently redirecting to the previously used trello platform,