Environmental Impact through Social Tokens


Welcome to this tutorial on leveraging social tokens for environmental impact. In this panel discussion, industry experts discuss the potential of social tokens to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future. The panelists include Andrew, the CEO and co-founder of Social Stack, Nesma, the CEO and founder of We Care Impact, Kami, the co-founder and director of Europe for Bioware Plastic Foundation, and Jake from Project Zero.

Panelist Introductions

The panel begins with a quick introduction of the panelists. Nesma explains how We Care Impact aims to create new narratives and experiences to connect and scale impact, partnering with Social Stack to release their token and engage the community. Kami discusses the mission of Bioware Plastic Foundation to eliminate single-use plastics from the events industry, working with Social Stack to build a token that incentivizes eco actions. Jake introduces Project Zero, a decentralized network of ocean conservation projects, emphasizing the importance of leveraging social tokens to connect and engage a large audience in solving climate change.

Social Stack’s Platform for Social Tokens

Andrew from Social Stack explains their platform’s purpose: to provide an easy-to-use platform for non-crypto organizations and creators to issue their own social tokens and incentivize community action. They believe that new forms of rewards, beyond financial incentives, can drive grassroots actions at scale and address the climate crisis. The core incentive they explore is social capital, the recognition and validation received within communities.

Leveraging Celebrity and Social Capital

The panel dives into the discussion of leveraging celebrity and social capital to drive desired behavior within communities. Jake shares examples from the music industry, where artists and brands use their influence to reach audiences and activate them for social change. Kami explains how Bioware Plastic Foundation utilizes the power of music to build connections and motivate action. Nesma emphasizes the importance of partnerships and a unifying story to make a real difference.

Tokens as Rewards and Incentives

The conversation shifts to the value of social tokens and how they can incentivize environmental and social actions. Andrew highlights the initial friction of accumulating tokens as capital to drive impact within communities. He invites Nesma to discuss We Care Impact’s approach and how they use social tokens to reward and stimulate values within their ecosystem. They believe that social tokens are the currencies that can disrupt the current economic system and encourage new systems of values and beliefs.

The Role of Social Stack’s Platform

The panel concludes with a discussion on the role of Social Stack’s platform in facilitating social tokens and driving environmental action. Kami explains the various tasks and actions that can be performed through the platform, emphasizing the community’s role in moderating and verifying these actions. Andrew acknowledges the need to leverage reach and resources, including celebrity influence, to create a cultural shift towards sustainable practices.


Social tokens have the potential to drive environmental impact by leveraging social capital and incentivizing action within communities. By using platforms like Social Stack, organizations and creators can issue their own tokens and engage their communities in meaningful ways. The panelists highlight the importance of partnerships, storytelling, and recognizing the value of social tokens in creating a more sustainable future.

Remember, social tokens are not just about financial incentives; they provide an opportunity to be seen, recognized, and valued within the communities that matter to you. By harnessing the power of social capital and rewarding eco-conscious actions, we can collectively make a difference in the world.

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