Recapitalizing Earth's Treasury with Regenerative Economics | Kuneco April 2021


In the Kuneco April 2021 panel discussion titled “Recapitalizing Earth’s Treasury with Regenerative Economics,” experts in the field of environmental regeneration and economics come together to explore how economics can play a vital role in sustaining and regenerating our planet. The panelists include representatives from Moss, Wild Chain, Project Wren, and Regen Network. The discussion is moderated by Amy Sloss, a product manager at Sea Lex.

Setting the Stage

Amy begins the discussion by highlighting the importance of considering the impact of prosperity on the planet. She shares a sobering fact about the destruction of rainforests and emphasizes the need to address these environmental challenges. The panelists, who have dedicated their work to environmental regeneration, will shed light on the role of economics in solving these problems.

Panelists’ Contributions

Luis from Moss: Regenerating the Environment with Carbon Credits

Luis, representing Moss, explains how his organization utilizes the carbon credit system as a short-term solution to fight climate change. Moss focuses on project selection, utilizing technology for monitoring and reproducing forests, and tokenizing carbon credits on the blockchain. They aim to attract more individuals to buy land in places like the Amazon by offering higher yields through carbon credit prices, thereby increasing the opportunity cost for deforestation.

Florian from Wild Chain: Mobile Games for Conservation

Florian introduces Wild Chain, an initiative that harnesses the power of the gaming market to raise funds for wildlife conservation. By creating mobile games for a global audience, Wild Chain aims to engage players in the protection of endangered species. Through game mechanics, players can adopt and care for virtual animals, fostering a connection with conservation efforts.

Ben from Project Wren: Individual Climate Action and Carbon Offsets

Ben, co-founder of Project Wren, shares their mission to empower individuals to offset their carbon footprints and take climate action. Project Wren allows users to calculate their carbon footprint and purchase offsets to neutralize their emissions. Ben emphasizes the importance of aligning the financial incentives of corporations with their sustainability goals and creating a climate-conscious culture within organizations.

Christian from Regen Network: Ecological Finance for Agriculture

Christian represents Regen Network, a full-stack software development and planetary regeneration organization. Their focus is on ecological agriculture and providing financial and technological tools to monitor and report on the ecological impact of farming and ranching. Christian explains the profitability of ecological agriculture and the potential for financial incentives to drive ecological change.

Overcoming Challenges and Busting Myths

The panelists address common challenges and misconceptions surrounding regenerative economics:

  • Amy highlights the importance of co-benefits in climate solutions and emphasizes that offsetting should not be seen as a substitute for reducing emissions.
  • Ben emphasizes the need for continuous engagement with climate action, particularly within corporations, to move beyond mere offsets and foster a climate-conscious culture.
  • Luis challenges the myth that economic growth and pollution reduction are mutually exclusive, emphasizing that pollution drops when companies are held accountable for their emissions.
  • Christian and Florian share their experiences in busting myths and misconceptions about ecological finance and the gaming industry’s potential for conservation.


The panel discussion provides insights into the role of regenerative economics in sustaining and restoring the environment. By aligning financial incentives with ecological goals, engaging individuals and corporations in climate action, and utilizing innovative approaches like mobile gaming, the panelists contribute to the ongoing efforts of recapitalizing Earth’s treasury for a sustainable future.